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Ellie Community Forums Orbits Peak Engagement

  • Peak Engagement

    Posted by Rusty Lindquist on April 20, 2023 at 5:14 pm

    Peak Engagement is when we are in an optimal orbit. It’s what behavioral economists call “flow”. Where we’re so engaged we lose track of almost everything else. This can be incredibly exciting. It can also be exhausting. Regardless of what orbit you’re in, it’s hard to spend a lot of time here, because it tends to be all-consuming (often depriving our other orbits of much needed time and attention). It’s healthy to cycle through stages of Peak Engagement, then Emotional Distancing, as we separate to breathe, to Renew, to Invest in our other Orbits, then to return to Peak Engagement.

    These cycles can be in small chunks, or days (like being in peak engagement at work, but then separating to go home and be present, allowing our minds and emotions to effectively separate from work), or sometimes it can go through macro cycles.

    Understanding Peak Engagement is critical to optimizing it.

    Do you have a question, or comment about this critical stage of the engagement cycle? Let’s talk about it.

    Rusty Lindquist replied 1 year, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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Peak Engagement is when we are in an optimal orbi…
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