One of the most consistent attributes you find amongst individuals who achieve, is an insatiable appetite for learning. They invest daily, and their learning spans many categories.

Here we write about important topics relevant to life,  success, achievement and progress. These small, consumable posts you can breeze through quickly, so you can be one of those people.

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If you’re disengaged at work, you may be cheering for “quiet quitters” who aim to focus more on other parts of life. But you still have this niggling sense that something is off. Is quiet quitting really the answer to your lingering unhappiness? What happened to achievement?

Most pianists understand the importance of "Middle C" in orienting themselves as they begin to play. In leadership “middle C” represents compassion – both the ability and the desire to feel for and with those you are called to lead.

As you set goals, especially those tied to very “narrow” constraints, be careful that you don’t substitute one level of uncertainty and frustration for something far more “pressuring” and unpredictable. Read on if you've ever set a goal but struggled to reach it.

We are all trying to “puzzle” our way through life. As you piece together your identity, consider the people, communities, and values that impact you.

You’ve likely heard the children’s story about the ugly duckling. What difference does a change in perspective make? Read on to find out how you can relate to his experience.

You're on a journey... not just to discover the light shining within you, but to let it out and let it shine. That moment when you discover who you really are and why you're really here—your ultimate, individual "why"—and then align your life so that you're living it... it's absolutely glorious. To you and to everybody else.

You are capable of greatness. In fact, it is already within you. You just need to discover it, and then work to bring your life into alignment so that your life's mission and your life become one and the same. That's when you'll shine. That's when you'll experience full joy and fulfillment, when you're actions align to your purpose. We can help.

The night I quit my job I had a decision to make: wait, or just start. I chose to just start and held a seminar the next day. People in motion tend to stay in motion and people at rest tend to stay at rest. So whatever it is you've been waiting to do... just start!

The world needs the light and magic you have inside of you. Your journey itself—and the promise of what is to come—is more important than any position you currently occupy.

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