Achievement Academy
It’s very hard to succeed at something you don’t know how to do. Knowledge is one of the core drivers of success, and at Life Engineering we’re dedicated to bringing knowledge within reach.
The Achievement Academy is designed to give you access to our ever growing inventory of core curriculum. It’s designed to give you an understanding of the fundamental frameworks, science, and methodology of Life Engineering.
Our “Foundation” courses teach some of the most fundamental aspects to power personal progress. They lay the groundwork for the rest of the academy and are the result of extensive research conducted over the last 20 years.Â
Feel free to browse courses by category using the menu list below, or visit “Getting Started” or “Guided Journey” from the Command Center for direction on what to learn next!
consider a paid membership
New Boots
To move forward, leave some things behind
Dr. Stacy Taniguchi tells a short, but compelling story about an experience he had while working Search and Rescue in Alaska. It’s a profound message we all must both learn and embrace, repeatedly and relentlessly, if we are going to move forward in life.
Choose to Thrive
It's your choice...
We are not here to simply endure life, but to thrive. It’s a choice we all have to make. In this course, Dr. Stacy Taniguchi tells a series of powerful stories from his experience climbing the tallest summits in the world. It will make you want to live a life to Thrive!
The Energy Iceberg (Part 1)
Understanding the role of energy in personal progress
When it comes to achievement, there are only three variables... time, talent and energy. We focus on time and talent... but energy matters most. Learn about the interplay of these three, and how optimizing for energy will be the main driver of your success.
The Energy Iceberg (Part 2)
How optimizing energy will give you the most thrust
As you move forward on your Journey to Purpose, you must continually draw on the three main levers of personal progress… time, talent, and energy. In this course we'll talk about the limits of time and talent and how to leverage energy to maximize momentum.
The Orbits Model
An overview
In this course you’ll learn about the gravitational systems that exist in our lives and how they shape our behavior. With this understanding, you’ll learn how to create gravitational systems that pull you forward and escape those that hold you back.
The Control Spectrum
Optimize your energy
Throughout our lives, we are faced with a myriad of choices which always fall along the same spectrum of control. How we make those choices has an important energy outcome. Learn how to make choices that add to the energy you have in life.
Why Energy Matters Most
The two most important things you can do
Energy is so vital in our lives. It is constantly being either created, or drained. Learning to be aware of how to create energy and how to spend it—as well as learning to identify and avoid the things that naturally drain it—will give us a huge advantage in life.
Leaving Your Comfort Zone
A get-unstuck mini-course
Getting unstuck usually means we have to leave our comfort zone... and that’s a lot easier said than done. So first of all don’t feel bad if you feel stuck, and if you’ve struggled to break away from where you are to get somewhere new. Remember these two things...
The 16 Elements - An Overview
The fundamental components of energy
These are the fundamental ingredients for activating the energy inside of you to achieve excellence and success in life. Distilled from over 20 years of research, these elements form the foundation of the Life Engineering move-forward methodology.
Great News!
More courses are on their way! (see below for the lineup). In the meantime, continue learning with the
16 Elements courses
Leadership courses
Principle Knowledge Base
Happy learning!
We have an extensive inventory of courses on our roadmap, and we’ll be releasing new courses every month.
As part of your membership, we’ll let you know when new courses become available.
You can check back often to see what’s new, but here are some of our upcoming courses, so you can see what you have to look forward to over the course of your membership!
Happy learning!

Human Achievement Process
In gamification and performance alike, the 16 Elements are most effectively ordered into 4 primary pillars. These pillars are the cornerstones of progress on your journey. That journey is stabilized by the two wing-pillars. Together they form a process of continuous improvement to keep you moving forward.

The Orbits of Engagement
This model is the outcome of our extensive research into the stages of disengagement we traverse as we move into and out of engagement around something we once cared about, whether it's at work, at home, in a relationship, or around an objective. Learn to identify these stages in yourself and those you lead.

Orbital Solution Spectrum
Based on our critically acclaimed Orbits of Engagement, the Solution Spectrum dives into what is needed to systematize diagnosing disengagement and what you can do to respond and react early, whether that's to re-enter the orbit or to make a conscious decision to move on.

The Ultimate Journey To Purpose
Our lives, teams and organizations must optimize for not only one journey, but rather successfully bring together many simultaneous journeys in order to succeed. This training builds off the Orbits of Engagement and the Journey to Purpose to create culminating clarity around the journey you are on.

Reality Operating System
Our reality individually, as a team, or as an organization is the result of a very predictable process. When you understand this process, you gain more control and influence over the outcomes you desire. This training covers a 5-step process by which we perceive, create, and reinforce our own reality.

5 Voices of Identity Creation
Each of us grows up building an identity. That identity tends to be shaped by 5 distinct voices. We have the ability to identify the voices that are impacting our identity and adjust the influence they have over who we believe we are. For a leader, this model creates a powerful framework for influence.

The Control Spectrum
As we live our lives, at home or work or in any other context, we are constantly presented with scenarios where we are forced to make a decision of how to respond and react. Some decisions create energy and move us forward; some erode energy and hold us back. This training helps you identify the difference.

Engagement Cycle
The path we take through life, whether as an individual, or as a team, or as an organization, follows a highly proven and predictable process. In this training, you'll learn to identify the stages of this process and what you can do to optimize that journey to increase your probability of success.

The 4 Quadrants of Trust
In order to create trust in ourselves, in our teams, in our organization, or to create trust in our customers and the market, we must be trust-worthy. This training covers the 4 primary components of trust-worthiness and creates clarity and understanding of what is often a give-and-take relationship between them.

5 Factors of Effective Communication
For us to be successful in life, in our teams, in our organizations or in the market, we must be effective communicators. There are 5 areas of communication where we typically mess up. This training helps you identify the 5 aspects that you need to get right in order to be a highly effective communicator.