Find a New Way -
Activity - Impact of a Mentor1 Activity
HELP ALONG THE PATHA Journey of Ups and Downs
Four Jobs of a Mentor
MENTORING ATTRIBUTESThe Caring and Candid Combination
A Coach at the Pinnacle of Success
Activity - Mentoring an Expert1 Activity
Caring For the Person and the Outcome
GETTING TO "GOOD"When the Perfect Mentor is Out of Reach
Look for Non-Traditional Candidates
Activity - Finding a Non-Traditional Mentor1 Activity
GOING VIRTUALWhat You Can Do Right Now
Activity - Finding Virtual Mentors1 Activity
BUILDING YOUR TEAMBuild a Team of Mentors
Activity - An Ideal Mentor1 Activity
CONCLUSIONMentors are Catalysts
Activity – Impact of a Mentor
Think of the word “mentor” in a very broad way. You may not have a formal or professional mentor, but you likely have someone you look to as an example, a guide or a support. It’s possible you’ve never met them. Maybe you have contact with them; maybe you don’t stay in touch anymore. The important part is that this person has taught you key things that you draw upon to be the best version of yourself.
Reflect on your past mentors in the activity below.
Reflection is critical to learning. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness below the level of consciousness. It triggers emotions which act as cognitive markers to facilitate memory. The science shows these activities will increase both memory and understanding, so we recommend that you truly invest in them.