PEP Component: Motivation Potential
An individual’s Motivation Profile is the chemistry of how they scored across all 16 Elements and how the impact of that works together to determine the motivation someone feels for the things they do.
It includes how they scored across all 16 Elements. It shows the Energy Activation Potential (described below) of each Element and the cumulative potential of each Pillar.
When an Element has a higher rating, it means it has a higher propensity to activate their energy. A low rating means that Element doesn’t have as much motivational power for them. That Element is still important, but when active, will likely yield a lower energy outcome.
An individual’s Pillar score shows which categories of the Human Achievement Process they will tend to have the most energy for, and perform the best at.
They are most likely be most engaged—and do their best work—when they focus on opportunities that emphasize the Pillars and the Elements for which they have the highest propensity for motivation.
When an individual knows their Motivation Profile, it helps them know where to invest so they can have the most energy for the things they care most about. While solving for all 16 Elements is hard, the Motivation Profile will help them focus on the things that provide the greatest energy output.
Energy Activation Spectrum
In the Personal Energy Profile, each Element is measured by % and can be viewed along something we call the Energy Activation Spectrum. Based on the % score of each Element, they fall along 1 of 5 segments in the Energy Activation Spectrum. Those segments are as follows:
0-20% – Tier 5 Motivator – These elements have minimal motivation potential
21-45% – Tier 4 Motivators – These elements have low motivation potential
46-70% – Tier 3 Motivators – These Elements have medium motivation potential
71-85% – Tier 2 Motivators – These Elements have high motivation potential
86-100% – Tier 1 Motivators – These Elements have maximum motivation potential
The Energy Activation Spectrum helps an individual make even more sense of the Element scores that make up their Motivation Profile.
A low score on an Element means that Element, when activated, is likely to release less energy. It also means it’s likely to require more energy to release that energy.
In Chemistry, Activation Energy is the minimum energy threshold that must be reached for a chemical reaction to occur. In life, the energy of motivation also has an Activation Energy Threshold. It’s the amount of investment we have to make for an Element to release its energy.
When trying to understand someone’s energy and motivation, this is a vital concept to understand. It takes energy to create energy. It takes work to release the Energy Potential held in each of the 16 Elements. How much work it takes is described by the Energy Activation Spectrum.
When someone’s Energy Activation Score for an Element is low, it means they’ll likely have to do more work to get energy out of it, and the total energy output is likely to be low as well.
But when someone’s Energy Activation Score for an Element is high, it means it’ll require less work to get energy out of it, and the energy output will be high as well.
The Motivation Profile is the Energy Activation Score for all 16 Elements, helping an individual know which elements to focus on for the highest and most efficient energy output.
The 5 Elements someone scores highest on comprise their Core Personality Motivators, but their corresponding Energy Activation Tiers may vary.
For instance someone may have a 1st Motivator that has only a Tier 2 or Tier 3 Energy Activation Score.
This just means that it’ll take a bit more work to activate the energy of that Element and feel its motivational power.
This is an important part of someone understanding their own energy and Motivation Profile, and what it will take to keep them energized and moving forward in life.
PEP Component: Motivatability Score
The Motivatability Score is an individual’s total Energy Activation Score… it’s the cumulative score of all of the 16 Elements combined. It takes all Elements across all Tiers and gives you one final number.
You can think of this number as that person’s “motivatability.” It describes how naturally motivated they are.
A lower score means it takes more Investment to activate the energy inside of them. A higher score means they have a propensity to be highly self-motivated, and it takes very little for them to experience an energy outcome.
Having a low score or a high score isn’t bad or good, it just is. It describes the individual. When they know what their Energy Activation Score is, they can plan accordingly.
Since Energy is the primary driver of long-term success, it’s vital that someone understands their overall score and has a plan for what it will take to get and stay motivated.
You can also think of this Motivatability score as a metric of natural resilience. The higher someone’s Motivatability Score, the more resilient they will be, because when times get hard, or things aren’t turning out the way we expected, they will keep moving forward, because they have the natural drive and motivation to do so.