Lesson 9 of 10
In Progress

Activity – Two Strategies Exercise

There are two Growth Strategies to consider: “Bend or Break” and “Find Shelter.” Depending on the aspect of your growth you are considering, both may be applicable to you in some way. 

The “Bend or Break” approach to growth, or Wu Wei, is the Buddhist art of knowing when to bend so that the weight of life doesn’t break you. Sometimes we think we can endure or bear anything. Maybe it’s not always a good idea to fight against things all the time—maybe some flexibility would be a better path.

The “Find Shelter” approach to growth accounts for times when you want to stand on your own two feet. The Elder Oak, person, group, or role model who shares many of life’s experiences can help you endure life’s early or unexpected storms if you’re willing to shelter with them for a while. Remember, Elder Oaks started out as little oaks at one time in their lives.

Consider your approach to the obstacles you are facing in the activity below.

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Reflection is critical to learning. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness below the level of consciousness. It triggers emotions which act as cognitive markers to facilitate memory. The science shows these activities will increase both memory and understanding, so we recommend that you truly invest in them.