us deputy wardens conference
free resources for attendees
a note from
Thank you for attending the conference, and thank you for the work you do. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate who you are and the fact that you’ve dedicated yourself to making such an important impact, both for public safety as well as for those in your correctional care.
I’m happy to offer you the following free resources as my own personal thank you and a thank you from Life Engineering.
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Simply fill in the information below to activate your access to the following free resources
Presentation deck

book: Spiritual Resonance

Identity Assessment


Personality profiles
We live in the age of individualization. Employees expect you to individualize their work for them, and if you don’t, they grow dissatisfied, disengaged, and depart.
But how do you really know who they are and what they want? More importantly, how do you do this at scale?
Our personality profiles give you unprecedented insight into who your employees are and what they care about. Our composite profiles allow you to identify what they have in common so you can focus on individualization efforts that have the highest likelihood of impacting the most people. What’s more, it’s all integrated into conversational AI so you don’t have to be an expert on the results, you just ask it questions.
Increase employee satisfaction, engagement, and performance through alignment and optimization.

Personality profiles
Have you ever made a bad hire? It’s painful, expensive, and confusing. You measure for skills and experience (what’s on the resume), but it’s not the resume that shows up to work, it’s the personality. That begs the question:
How do you measure personality to determine fit?
Life Engineering personality profiles let you look deep into the qualification of candidates by understanding who they are and what motivates them. You can even compare their profile to a top performer profile, so you’re always hiring the candidate with the highest likelihood of success.
Best of all, candidate profiles are completely free!

We live in an epidemic of disengagement. Disengagement has become the defining characteristic of this generation. Up to 70% of the workforce is disengaged, delivering only 20% of their total performance capacity. So the question is:
Are you measuring and managing engagement?
Our engagement assessment tells you what parts of the organization are disengaged, why they’re disengaged, and exactly what you can do to solve for that disengagement. What’s more, it connects seamlessly with our personality profiles, so you can know how to prioritize solutions to your specific engagement problems.
Engagement is how you put the force of work back into the workforce.

measure satisfaction
to identify how your team feels about where they work
Employee satisfaction is a key driver of employee engagement, employee retention and employee performance. It’s also one of the easiest things to measure and gives you instant insights into employee morale.
Do you know how satisfied your employees are?
Our satisfaction assessments (ENPS and ESS) are designed to integrate perfectly with our engagement and personality assessments, giving you a comprehensive view of the emotional undercurrent flowing through your organization.
Employee satisfaction leads to an increase in every meaningful organizational outcome.

There’s huge value to having live training that connects to your assessment results. There’s an energy, a connectedness, and a power to a shared experience like that, which helps build culture, camaraderie, and a more effective workforce.
Our training is designed to educate, inspire and unite.
We have assembled an incredible inventory of training to meet the biggest demands placed on teams and orgs today. Built and developed by an entire team of experienced trainers and consultants, it’s designed to tie into all the assessments and our online academy!
It’s a rich and robust, integrated learning experience.

consulting and coaching
results-based organizational support
Unlike most other assessment organizations, who only offer diagnostic solutions but no post-assessment support, for us…
Assessments are only the beginning of the conversation.
Once you have your assessment results, we then partner with you to identify insights and take action in ways that are immediate and practical, and produce meaningful and measurable results.
We don’t consult and leave.
We then stay with you, using ongoing assessments to measure those results, taking mutual accountability in a true partnership to organizational progress and performance.
identify, activate and unleash
your full potential
The reality is, you are capable of greatness. The power to achieve it is already within you. It’s within you and your organization. But most of the time, we’re simply unaware of that vast potential lying latent within.
Usually that’s because we simply haven’t had access to the help we need to truly identify it, access it, and unleash it.
So when we look forward in life, all we tend to see is the projection of our past, as if our future was simply a mirror that can only reflect what’s behind us.
But you can change your future. You can take control of your life, your team, and your organization. Now you can access the help you need to live the life you deserve.
Contact us by emailing to get started on your journey to your full potential.