

The Energy of Motion


Answers: What keeps me going?
Leveraging the energy of movement to fuel more movement. This is about staying active and anxiously engaged, because people in motion tend to stay in motion, while people at rest tend to stay at rest.

Lesson 1


course objectives

  • Define Momentum.
  • Describe how Momentum works within Newton’s laws of motion.
  • Describe how habits create energy or take it away.
  • Describe how focus affects Momentum.

Learning Objectives

Momentum is a powerful force that we can use to our advantage. In this course, you will learn how Momentum works and what contributes to it. You will be better able to understand how to create Momentum in your own life.


reflection activity

Rolling a Ball

We can observe and experience momentum every day without even thinking about it. Even something as simple as a rolling ball demonstrates the fact that things in motion keep moving, and things that are going nowhere stay put until an outside force gets them going.


(Optional) Only used to send you your response.
Explore the act of rolling a ball through the activity below.

If your current environment permits, please do the following:

  1. Place the object on a flat surface and leave it undisturbed (Condition One).
  2. Give it a very light push (Condition Two).
  3. Stop the ball from moving (Condition Three).
  4. Give it a very strong push (Condition Four).
  5. Stop it from moving (Condition Five).
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Lesson 2

Laws of Motion

Newton’s First Law

Momentum is all about the energy of movement. Newton’s three Laws of Motion can help us understand Momentum in the context of our lives.


Lesson 3

Esports and Beyond

Play the Game

You have likely experienced the role of Momentum in games. Momentum empowers you to progress and keep moving forward even when it is challenging.


Hot Hands

Research has shown that a series of challenging “small wins” creates momentum and increases performance. Are you laying the foundation for your own winning streak?


reflection activity

Hot Hands Exercise

Balancing the easy shots in life with the more difficult ones is key to scoring at a high level. Easy shots are easy wins but don’t necessarily help me grow and improve. Long shots, especially because they’re easier to miss, can make my life a roller coaster of “hit one” / ”missed one” that may be too unpredictable to sustain.


(Optional) Only used to send you your response.
Consider the “shots” you take in life. How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
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Continue to Play

Life often throws unexpected challenges our way. These challenges can throw us off course, but as we choose to continue to play the game of life, momentum will keep us moving forward.


Lesson 4

Orbits and Thrust

The Most Useful Skill

Learning to create and maintain energy is key to mastering Momentum. Invest the energy you have created into things that will move you forward.


reflection activity

Energy and Focus

Creating energy is a fundamental human need as well as a skill that can be developed. The first step is to identify what energizes you. Most people don’t even make that connection. Activities like exercise energize some and just exhaust others. Relationships that bring energy to one person can just “suck it out” of another. Find your energy creators and limit your energy destroyers.

Explore what creates or destroys energy in the activity below.


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Explore what creates energy as you answer the following questions.
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Lesson 5


Just Start

The first step to building Momentum is to JUST START. We all have the power to architect momentum as we move along our Journey to Purpose.


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Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life. 

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