

What You're Going to Accomplish


Answers: Where am I going?
Set your sights on the future and leave your past behind. This is about choosing a destination you care about, having a higher cause, and finding purpose to propel you forward.

Lesson 1


course objectives

  • Recognize that Objective is a bridge from “where I am” to “what my life’s purpose is.”
  • Determine my “why.”
  • Choose my objectives.
  • Create my objective postcard.

reflection activity

Have You Ever Been Stuck?

Have you ever “felt stuck” or that you were not “living up to” your potential? How did you respond to that situation? It’s normal to get lost at times. The key to getting unstuck is to make sure you are moving at the right speed and in the right direction toward the objectives you set for yourself.

Before we begin our first learning lesson, take a moment and complete the activity below.


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Answer the following question.
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Lesson 2

A Bridge to Purpose

The Bumper Sticker Insight

All of us are on different paths, going in different directions. Our Journey to Purpose isn’t always a straight line, but choosing objectives can help us figure out where we are going.


Authoring Our Objectives

Our Journey to Purpose is just that, a journey. We don’t have to know exactly where we are going or how to get there.

Take one step at a time in the direction that feels “warm.”


reflection activity

Authoring Our Objectives

There is not necessarily a right or wrong approach to choosing objectives. The key to choosing objectives in ways that are best for you is to “look back” and examine the approach you took the last time one of your objectives was successful, comparing it to a time when one wasn’t. Did your approach to setting that objective play a role in its ultimate success or failure?

Reflect on your experience in the activity below.


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“Look back” and examine the approach you took the last time one of your objectives was successful, comparing it to a time when it wasn’t. How would you describe your approach?
My typical approach to choosing an objective is:
For my last successful objective, my approach to choosing an objective was:
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A Bridge to Purpose

We often think we need to have all our objectives figured out—to know exactly where we are going.

But Objective is about focusing on our “why” and building objectives from there.


Lesson 3

The Objective Postcard

Objective Best Practices

There are several things to remember when setting objectives. They are about direction, progress and momentum; and should be challenging, but not completely out of reach.


A Projection of Where We Want to Be

Writing an Objective Postcard will help us capture the projection of where we want to be. It is a reflection of both our identity and our desired destination.


reflection activity

Objective Postcard Exercise

When writing an objective or building an Objective Postcard, consider three primary factors in setting and achieving objectives: your ideal self, your environment, and those around you. If you don’t aim to become your ideal self, you may have “wasted” an objective on something less than you could have achieved. Don’t sell yourself short.

Begin writing your Objective Postcard in the activity below.


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Identify an objective you are working toward. This is something with a measurable outcome. Now complete your “Objective Postcard” by answering the following questions.

Describe your ideal self. (What is your health? What are you wearing? What is unique about your appearance?)

Describe the environment. (Where are you? What are the sights, sounds, and smells?)

Describe those around you. (Who is with you? What are their expressions? What are they doing?)

Take a full minute or more to reflect on what you wrote about yourself, the environment, and those around you. Consider the emotions, sights, sounds, and smells. Make it as real as possible in your mind.

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Lesson 4

Pivoting When Necessary

A Remarkable Case Study

We will often pivot to new objectives along our Journey to Purpose. Consider how the story of Emmeline Pankhurst demonstrates this principle.


The Science of Best-Practice Objectives

We must be deliberate about choosing, changing, and evolving our objectives. They should help us achieve growth and change along our Journey to Purpose.


Lesson 5


Objective Conclusion

Setting objectives is empowering. As we intentionally choose them, we will feel an increased sense of direction and purpose as we navigate the path of life.


reflection activity

Objective Post-Assessment

If you’re feeling stuck or want to set a new objective, remember the key getting unstuck is to make sure you are moving at the right speed and in the right direction. Reflect and identify how much you agree with the statements in the activity below.

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Reflect and identify how much you agree with the statements in the activity below.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
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Additional resources

Related Tools


Discover your purpose and find direction in life.

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Identify the objectives that will best help you live a life to thrive.

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Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life. 

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