

Rewards and Recognition


Answers: What’s in this for me?
Being rewarded for your efforts. This is about making sure you’re receiving rewards and recognition for the things you do so you have ample incentive and motivation to keep doing them.

Lesson 1


course objectives

  • Identify from your current experience items you would put into the “right,” “wrong” and “different” categories.
  • Assess your values from the “3 Questions” framework of what do I value, why do I value that, where did that value come from.
  • Summarize what you know about yourself into a set of insights that inform what you value or care about.
  • Initiate a conversation with some people close to you in life where you explore different values from the perspective of understanding rather than condemning.

Learning Objectives

We all have different values that come from various places. Identifying our values and where they come from will help us along our Journey to Purpose.


reflection activity

Value Pre-Assessment

Often, when discussions about values come up, we are given a list to choose from. The following list will probably feel familiar to some degree. This is where most Values exercises start. Looking at someone else’s list can be a place to start, but not to end.

Consider your values in the activity below.


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Reflect on your values as you answer the questions below.
Select the values you resonate the most with from the list below.
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Lesson 2

Value Anchors

Right, Wrong, and Different

You and I likely value very different things, and that’s okay. As we learn about other people, their priorities, and the things they value, our understanding of the world and ourselves is deepened.


Authentic Values

Value, in its most basic form, begins by asking three fundamental questions: what do I value, why do I value it, and where did that value come from?


Lesson 3

Fridges and Temples

Three Questions

When determining what our values are, it is equally important to determine why we value them and where the values come from. Take time to consider the influence social media, culture, and others may have on why you value what you do.


Lesson 4

East and West

Marcus and Buddha

Our values do not have to come solely from within. How might your values come from both those around you and your own wisdom and insights?


reflection activity

Values Exercise

Humanists across the globe like Marcus Aurelias and Gutama Buddha have examined the What, Why, and Where of their values, but how well do you “Know Thyself”? If an outside observer were to watch your life, what values do you think they would declare about you based on your actions? Why we value what we do may take a little soul searching. Can you say why you hold your values?

In the activity below, contemplate where your values come from—consider the influence of your friends, family, associates, and community.


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Consider where your values come from as you answer the questions below.
Why we value what we do may take a little soul searching. This process is rooted in a concept called spiritual intelligence. Sometimes it has to do with fulfilling an intended purpose, or because we happen to be good at something, function well as a part of the whole, or the value reflects our beliefs and understanding. You may have to pretend you’re a toddler always questioning “why?” as you dig deeper and deeper.
Consider the influence of your friends, family, associates, and community.
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Lesson 5

From Condemnation to Conversation

Fundamental Attribution Error

If we want to see our values as more than a label we simply hang on ourselves, we can put them into action as a springboard for conversation and connection.


Shared Values

One way to connect with others is to learn about their values and where those values come from. These “values conversations” widen our perspective and inform our own values.


Lesson 6

Shared Values

Two Circles

Have your values changed over the years? Our relationships, experiences, and perspectives all take part in defining and shaping our values and how they change.


Working Values

Who can you have a conversation with today about values? What will you discover? Perhaps you share some of the same values as those around you: your family, friends, or co-workers.


reflection activity

Shared Values Exercise

Just as shared values matter in our personal life, shared values matter in our communities and workplaces.

Consider your shared values in the activity below.


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Think of a community or organization you are a part of and consider the following questions.
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Lesson 7


Understanding Values

Identifying and understanding our values will help us optimize our lives around what matters most. So ask yourself and your friends, “What do you value?” and “Why?”


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Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life. 

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