
Why Energy Matters Most

The Two Most Important Things You Can Do


Energy is so vital in our lives. It is constantly being either created, or drained.
Learning to be aware of how to create energy, and how to spend it as well as learning to identify and avoid the things that naturally drain it, will give us a huge advantage in life.

Lesson 1

Two Important Things

The Two Most Important Things

Two of the most important things to learn in life, as early as possible, can be simplified down to two simple things.


Energy and Habits

When it comes to “energy,” we are usually talking about physical, mental, emotional, social and physical. Energy in any of those forms is created through habits. As we look at our habits, it’s helpful to look through the lens of energy.


reflection activity

Habit Assessment

Our habits are a major driver of the outcomes of our life because they represent the actions we take most often, and anything we do often creates mass. That mass creates gravity, and that gravity creates a pull that it can be impossible to escape from. That pull can be healthy or it can be unhealthy, depending on the habit.

So creating the right habits is vital. While the understanding of the impact of habits on energy creation can be helpful as we are mindful about creating new habits, it’s also beneficial to assess the habits we have already established.

Consider the habits in your own life and choose the top three. These should be the three habits that you either do most often or that you feel have the biggest impact on you. List each in the activity below, and then rate them on a scale of 1-5 using the following guide.

1 – This habit kills my energy
2 – This habit creates a slight tax on my energy
3 – This habit has no impact on my energy
4 – This habit creates a slight boost to my energy
5 – This habit makes a meaningful positive difference in my overall energy


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Consider the habits in your own life as you answer the following questions.
This habit kills my energyThis habit creates a slight tax on my energyThis habit has no impact on my energyThis habit creates a slight boost to my energyThis habit makes a meaningful positive difference in my overall energy
This habit kills my energyThis habit creates a slight tax on my energyThis habit has no impact on my energyThis habit creates a slight boost to my energyThis habit makes a meaningful positive difference in my overall energy
This habit kills my energyThis habit creates a slight tax on my energyThis habit has no impact on my energyThis habit creates a slight boost to my energyThis habit makes a meaningful positive difference in my overall energy
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Lesson 2

Creating Energy

Those With the Most Energy Win

We live in a world that is constantly draining our energy. Because of that, we need to be constantly replenishing it, because put simply… those with the most energy win!


Take Control of Your Energy

Considering all this, the bottom line is simple: we need to take control of our energy—protect both how we create it and how we spend it.


Energy Destroyers

We often get pulled into the gravitational pull of destructive orbits, orbits that destroy our energy. But energy takes a lot of effort to create, so we need to be very jealous of how we spend it.


Lesson 3


Ahead of the Pack

If you can learn these two things… you will possess a level of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social energy that will put you well ahead of the pack—because those with the most energy win.


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Rusty Lindquist

Author, Founder, CEO Life Engineering


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Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life. 

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