Paired Elements for Leaders

Momentum and Alignment

Leading Toward the Objective


Momentum recognizes that objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest. In the same way people in motion tend to stay in motion, and people at rest tend to stay at rest. As such, Momentum is directly tied to the energy we need to move forward.

It’s important to get the Energy just right to stay aligned. Alignment determines if we’re moving in the right DIRECTION and at the right SPEED toward our objectives. In this course we’ll talk about how to create harmony between momentum and alignment to keep your team moving toward their objectives.

Lesson 1


course objectives

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to define Momentum and Alignment as Elements in both the physical world and as a leadership practice. 

Then, you’ll be able to use Momentum and Alignment to lead your team intentionally and persistently toward the right objectives at the right time.

Momentum and Alignment Introduction

Momentum recognizes that objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest. As such, Momentum is directly tied to Energy for fuel. It’s important to get the Energy just right to stay aligned.

Alignment determines if we’re moving in the right DIRECTION and at the right SPEED toward our objectives. In life, as on a pool table, our alignment can be intentional or accidental, and fleeting or persistent.


Calling the Shot

Billiards have been popular since at least the 16th century, when a billiards cloth played a role in one of the most well-known executions of that time.

Momentum and Alignment are two key elements you must understand to play billiards. What can you learn from the game of billiards about leadership?


reflection activity

Calling the Shot

Pool combines a direct, physical application of the laws of motion with strategic intentionality. As we have discovered, the laws that govern intentionality in pool apply to intentionality in leadership.


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Consider how you and your team work toward objectives as you answer the following.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
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Lesson 2

Just Right

Being a “Just Righter”

Just as every move in the game of pool is different from the last, leaders should learn to assess the needs of any given team, around any given project, and at any given time.

Learning to align your team to the right objectives and motivate them in a way that builds momentum is challenging but essential.


reflection activity

Being a “Just Righter”

As we’ve discussed, pool requires the right force for the proper amount of Momentum. Consider the following attributes and identify their appropriate categories. Which is consistent with a Dribbler, a Smacker, or a Just Righter?


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Consider the following attributes of a leader. Do they represent a Dribbler, a Smacker, or a Just Righter?
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
DribblerSmackerJust Righter
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Lesson 3

Reject the Hustle

The Color of Money

Learning to create and maintain energy is fundamental to Momentum. Devoid of energy, our ability to move forward will cease.

Our alignment with our goals—the speed and direction in which we travel—is critical to reaching our objectives.


reflection activity

The Color of Money

Think about your typical experience as a leader. As you consider what’s typical for you, choose the response that best represents your own leadership style. Are you, like a nine-ball hustler, using your team so you can come out as the winner? Or are you using Momentum and Alignment to help them find success and advance as leaders?


(Optional) Only used to send you your response.
How much do you agree with the following statements? Choose the response that best represents your leadership style.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
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Lesson 4

Lining Up the Shot

Pool in Practice

There are four Elements that offer additional support when “lining up your shot.” As you grow in your ability to be intentional with how you use Momentum and Alignment with your team, you’ll come to find other elements as useful additions and enhancers to ensure you help your team members achieve both high levels of engagement and productivity.


reflection activity

Pool in Practice

Consider how you can use additional Elements to enhance Momentum and Alignment, including Score, Growth, Mentor, and Renewal.

Thinking about the additional Elements that offer additional support, choose the best answer for each scenario.


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Consider how you can use additional Elements to enhance Momentum and Alignment, including score, growth, mentorship, and renewal. Choose the best answer for each scenario.
As an old project management pro yourself, you know many of the tricks and tips to make it all work. What element could you draw on to help your team member find alignment and move at the right speed?
This feels strange to you, given the number of snacks in the break room. Maybe you’re missing something that’s affecting their momentum. Which element could help you determine what?
By then it’s too late. Which Element could help you determine if your Momentum or Alignment is off?
They feel terrible about it, but you’ve begun to wonder if their momentum and direction could be at risk for the next one. What element could you use to turn things around?
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
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Lesson 5


Momentum and Alignment Conclusion

Not only do Momentum and Alignment have a natural synergy, but all the elements are related and work together. Remember that they are all at your disposal to assist you as a leader.

Your goal as a leader is to learn to effectively combine and utilize all the elements in a way that will best support engagement in your team.


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