Paired Elements for Leaders

Perspective and Identity

The Power of the Lens


This course looks at leadership through the lens of perspective and identity. The cyclical nature of perspective and identity, where one is either feeding or responding to the other, means that we need to be intentional about both.
You’ll learn about how your perspective has shaped your identity. You’ll evaluate how your leadership is shaping how your team perceives new opportunities and challenges. You’ll also design a simple plan to connect each team member’s identity with the opportunities the team needs to pursue.

Lesson 1


course objectives

  • Become more aware of your own perspective on leadership and your identity around how qualified you are to lead. That awareness can lead to introspection and opportunities to make changes in how you see things and how that perspective is influencing your identity as a leader. 

  • Start to see how team members are “seeing” things like objectives, opportunities, challenges and failure and then guide your team through those perspectives. 

  • Start to shape individual and team identity by encouraging new perspectives within the team about who they are, what they are capable of and how they’re going to do great things both now and in the future. 

  • Create an environment that is safe for different perspectives and identities. 

  • Work with your team to connect these diverse perspectives and identities to the perspective, identity and objectives of the organization as a whole.

Perspective, Identity, and Leadership

Perspective and Identity are closely related.

What can you do as a leader to learn more about the relationship between perspective and identity?

Perspective and Identity in Teams

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to…

  • RECOGNIZE how your perspective has shaped your identity.
  • EVALUATE how your leadership is shaping how  your team perceives new opportunities and challenges.
  • DESIGN a simple plan to connect each team member’s IDENTITY with the opportunities the team needs.

Lesson 2

Diversity in Perspective and Identity

Our Identity is Inseparable

How we see ourselves informs who we are, and who we are influences how we see ourselves. We all have different experiences in life, and as we learn from the experiences and perspectives of others, our own perspectives can change.


reflection activity

Our Inseparable Identity

Think about yourself as a leader today. How has your identity been shaped over time?

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Think of yourself as a leader as you answer the questions below.
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People Like Us

As a leader, being intentional about welcoming different perspectives, identities and experience is key to preparing for a diversity of opportunities.

Diversity of experience opens up new possibilities… but only if the leader has the humility to welcome and integrate other perspectives into a shared approach to a situation.


reflection activity

Diversity Exercise

As a leader, sometimes it is challenging to help the team navigate differences in perspective and identity. Consider your current team as you answer the questions below.

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Think of yourself as a leader as you answer the questions below.
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Lesson 3

Inputs and Blind Spots

The Eye Gives Me a Cold Shudder

Each of us has a perspective and identity that shape the way we see the world. But we will all inevitably miss some things.

hat are the “blind spots” in your perspective as a leader, and who can help you overcome them?


reflection activity

The Eye Exercise

Take a moment to reflect on your own work as a leader and that of your team. As you answer the exercise prompt, consider how perspective and blind spots create both opportunities and costs. 


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Think of yourself as a leader as you answer the questions below.
Choose the answer below that best describes your team:
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Blind Spots and Filling in the Gaps

Engaging with your team is the key to noticing and dealing effectively with your blind spots. Consider how your team can help you fill in the gaps.


Lesson 4

Looking Outside

War of the Stray Dog

One role of leaders is to help their teams understand the perspectives of others. Encouraging understanding of different perspectives will improve relationships between your teams.


Lesson 5

Instincts and Responses

The Real Great Fire of London

Our instincts and responses may be exactly right in one context and yet a poor fit in another circumstance. Understanding your team’s perspectives within and beyond the team will help you find the right response to a variety of situations.


reflection activity

The Great Fire Exercise

As a leader, how do you minimize the likelihood that a combination of strong Identities and flawed Perceptions could escalate into a major problem in your organization? Do you have a strong Identity as a team, and as individuals? Does your team question your perspectives? Is your team identity healthy, or would it benefit from a new perspective? 


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Consider the experience of your team. How much do you agree with the following statements? Consider also if Perspective and Identity could cause any potential issues in your organization.
My team has a strong Identity and team members feel proud to be part of the team.
My team regularly questions our own Perspectives.
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Lesson 6

Group Perspective and Identity

Cult or Culture

Think about your company’s culture. Does the culture empower you to contribute in your own unique way or is everyone expected to share the same perspective?


reflection activity

Cult or Culture Exercise

Culture has a huge impact on the engagement of the individuals within an organization. Does yours improve or degrade engagement?


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Think about your own experience. How much do you agree with the following statements?
My company culture empowers me to take initiative and act boldly as an individual.
My company culture empowers me to take initiative and act boldly as a leader. 
I feel comfortable speaking up to my boss when I disagree with my peers.
My manager encourages me to share ideas and listens when I do.
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Lesson 7

What Were They Thinking?

The Power of If / Then

We each have different needs that influence our behavior and experiences. How are these needs shaping your perspective and identity? What about your team?


reflection activity

If / Then Exercise

Because what seems acceptable, or at least passable to one person, may be completely incomprehensible to another, it’s natural to think about why other people respond differently in the same situation on the same team.

Keep in mind the basic human needs as you answer the questions below.

  • To Live or Survive
  • To Love
  • To Discover
  • To Progress

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Think of your team as you answer the questions below.
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Lesson 8

The Power of Ritual

My Shadow Self

The repetition of certain habits, thoughts, and behaviors shape our identity.

How intentional are you about your work habits, thoughts, and behaviors? How can you assist others to positively shape their identities?


reflection activity

Shadow Self Exercise

Commit to holding one-on-ones with your team. If you’ve fallen out of the habit or find it easy to cancel them, lock them in your calendar and make them a priority.  Go through the example identity questions below, answering for yourself so you can better ask and understand them with your direct reports. 


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Consider and capture the answers to these questions as if a leader or mentor asked them of you in a one-on-one.
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Lesson 9


A Portrait is Something You Make

Leaders can encourage their team members to take intentional control of their Identity and Perspective. Much like children choosing how to create their own self-portraits, we have a similar opportunity—to make our own living, evolving “self-portrait.”


reflection activity

Portrait Exercise

Using the canvas of your imagination, consider your “self-portrait.” What elements would you want to highlight in your own self portrait? How do you think your team sees themselves individually? Collectively? If there was a part of your team identity you could change, what would it be? How could you reshape a perspective held by yourself or the team to positively influence the change you would want to see?


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Consider yourself and your team as you answer the following questions.
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Lesson 10


Perspective and Identity Conclusion

As a leader, you have the opportunity to help your team connect with a deeper understanding of their own perspectives and identity. This will allow them to find greater resonance with their work, team, culture, and larger organizational goals.


We care deeply about helping you live your best life.   

So much so, that I want to give you a free copy of my most recent book, Spiritual Resonance, to help you fully discover yourself and live authentically.

We’ve also created an assessment to help you discover your Identity, and have trained AI to understand and talk to you about your specific results!

Rusty Lindquist

Author, Founder, CEO Life Engineering


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Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life. 

  • Discover your true identity
  • Find your purpose
  • Navigate life with confidence
  • Live a life that aligns to your true nature
Spiritual Resonance Ebook - discover your identity, find your purpose and live your best life.

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