Paired Elements for Leaders
Relationship and Mentor
The Power of Relationships
Relationships and mentorships provide opportunities to support, challenge, encourage, teach, and develop, connect and communicate. Leaders can be more effective when they are aware of what’s happening in the lives of their team members and how those events are impacting the team.
In this course we’ll explore the interplay of relationships, the role of a mentor, how all of this converges within the dynamics of a team. We’ll talk about how you as a leader can leverage these fundamental elements to create increased satisfaction and engagement, while increasing both team and individual performance.
Lesson 1
Introduction to Relationship and Mentor
Relationships and mentorships both provide opportunities to support, challenge, encourage, teach, and develop. These opportunities are important for both team members and leaders.
Leaders can be more effective when they are aware of what’s happening in the lives of their team members and how those events are impacting their relationship with the team.
reflection activity
Past Mentors
If you’ve had mentors in your life who have provided assistance and support, take a moment in the activity below to consider both how they acted and what impact that had on you.
Activity: Past Mentors
Lesson 2
Your 100-Acre Wood
A 100-Acre Wood and a Handful of Friends to Help
Each member of your team contributes in a unique way. Diversity of strengths and weaknesses is what makes your team effective.
What can you learn from Winnie the Pooh and his friends about teamwork?
reflection activity
Your 100-Acre Wood
How does your team compare to Winnie the Pooh’s group of friends? In your own Hundred Acre Wood, are you able to find results or do you just end up in one sticky situation after the other?
Activity: Your 100-Acre Wood
Lesson 3
Mentors as Guides
My Personal GPS
As a leader, you have the responsibility to mentor your team members.
Mentorship can be generalized or personalized, depending on the situation and individual.
reflection activity
Your Mentoring Style
GPS has two levels of service: Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and Precise Positioning Service (PPS). Making the comparison to your mentorship style, would you say you are giving Standard mentorship to your team, or Precise mentorship? Does it seem to be working, or would you and your team benefit from a different approach?
Activity: Your Mentoring Style
Lesson 4
Your Personal Success Team
Building a Personal Success Team
As you meet with your team members, ask questions that will help you understand their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks.
This understanding will not only help you mentor them effectively, but will help you match them with mentors or peers as they create their personal success team.
reflection activity
Personal Success Team SWOT
Take some time to do a personal SWOT analysis—identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats—to help identify areas where you would benefit from being mentored as well as areas where you are able to offer mentorship. Once you have gone through the exercise, have your team do the same.
Activity: Personal Success Team SWOT
Lesson 5
The Right Mentors
Finding the Right Mentors
When was the last time you mentored someone you lead? Mentoring can help you hone your leadership skills.
Look for opportunities to help your team by making yourself accessible, listening, and reducing friction to build momentum.
reflection activity
Finding the Right Mentors
Take a moment to consider how mentoring currently shows up in your organization. Is it easy for people to seek and engage with mentors? Is it easy for leaders to be mentors to their team and others? Now, how might your team respond to the same questions?
Activity: Finding the Right Mentors
Lesson 6
Leading or Following
The Mobius Strip Team
Everyone can benefit from a mentor. As a leader, you play the parts of both leader and follower.
What can you learn from the Mobius Strip about these relationships?
reflection activity
The Mobius Strip
A Mobius Strip team has every member both leading and following—offering mentoring support and receiving mentoring assistance.
Activity: The Mobius Strip
Lesson 7
Relationship and Mentor Conclusion
As you mentor those on your team, you’ll help them use their individualized strengths to contribute in their own unique and important ways.
Even more powerful, your role as a leader is to build a network of personal success teams made up of experienced mentors.
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