TEAM engagement results

Welcome to your Engagement Results Page

Overview Charts

Total Engagement

These charts show an at-a-glance overview of the assessment score by element, separated by the four major Pillars found in the Human Achievement Process.

Scroll down for more details about each score, for an analysis of your results, and for more information about the Human Achievement Process.


Orbital engagement

success Probability score

Individuals within a team go through stages of engagement. At “Peak Engagement” they’re in an optimal orbit and perform their best. When one or more of the Elements of Engagement deteriorate, there’s less mass holding them in orbit.

As this happens, their orbit decays and they tend to drift outward along a predictable emotional path, across a spectrum of disengagement.

Because engagement (or the energy we have for the things we do) is so fundamental to long-term success, we can correlate our level of engagement to our likelihood to succeed. We call this Success Probability.

Based on the results of this team’s assessment, our Engagement Algorithm is able to map this teams cumulative engagement to a corresponding Success Probability Score. 

Remember, this is just a probability score, based on the engagement results from this team’s assessment.

This report will include details on what you can do to increase this team’s overall engagement and by doing so, increase their corresponding likelihood for success!

For more information on the Orbits of Engagement, click here to access the course in our Achievement Academy, or click on the image here to see how this engagement level correlates to satisfaction, sentiment, performance, engagement, probability of success, and even level of threat (cultural threat and security / cybersecurity threat).


achievement process


As we’ve studied the science of the 16 Elements—how they lead to engagement and how engagement leads to achievement—we discovered a six-pillar process of continuous improvement. 

The 16 Elements are distributed across the 4 cornerstone pillars.

These 6 Pillars form the foundation of human achievement.

When a team’s score in any one Pillar is low, this represents a categorical deficiency, and represents a larger issue than any one or two low-rating Elements.

When a whole category score is low, this represents a state of high-risk. Left unfixed, it will result in an overall stall in the team’s ability to move forward.


Being successful means starting right… starting strong—whether you’re starting a new journey or are just starting your day on a journey you’re already on. 

The Orient Pillar is where you experience the joy that comes when you put your past into perspective and your future in focus… when you know who you are, where you’re going, and how you’re going to get there.



0% 100%
Results By Element





What Your Results Mean

Congratulations, you scored high in this category of Elements! You can explore how you scored on each of the specific Orient Elements in the Engagement Drivers further below, but your cumulative score here shows a high sense of orientation.
You’re probably feeling like you have your bearings, with a strong conceptual foundation of the journey you’re on—of where you’ve been, where you are, where you’re going, and how you’re going to get there.
Because of your high rating across these elements, you probably feel a strong internal drive to move forward. You’re pulled forward by how clearly you can perceive your destination and the path you need to take to get there. This will come with a sense of vigor and excitement for this Critical Context.


To be successful in life, you can’t do it in isolation. Successful people know that they don’t get there without help. In fact, they make sure getting that help is a core part of their move-forward strategy for success. 

The Assemble Pillar is about accessing the support you need to succeed. It’s about knowing how to access and leverage leaders and mentors, how to involve others in a way that increases enjoyment and powers progress, how to architect your environment to support success and how to adequately equip yourself for the journey you’re on.



0% 100%
Results By Element





What Your Results Mean


Getting oriented and having all the right resources feels amazing, but what matters now is that we take action! 

The Act Elements are designed to help you get moving and stay moving. It’s about knowing how to measure progress and be accountable. It’s knowing how to build and maintain momentum on your journey. It’s about knowing how to invest in your objective and in your plan so that you are motivated to keep moving forward.



0% 100%
Results By Element





What Your Results Mean

Congratulations, you scored high on this category of Elements! You can explore how you scored on each of the specific Act Elements in the Engagement Results further below, but your cumulative score here shows that you are feeling confident about the progress you’re making in this Critical Context.
You’re likely feeling sense of accomplishment, a sense of movement, a sense that you’re finally doing it, and there’s powerful motivation in those feelings. You’re likely feeling confident, optimistic and enthusiastic about all the progress you’re making. That enthusiasm, and the evidence of progress that results from it, will help fuel long-term momentum.
The key now is to keep moving, keep that momentum, and don’t let your progress stall.


To sustain engagement long term, we have to feel like the journey is worth it. We have to feel like the outcomes that we get from the Investments we’ve made are rewarding enough to keep investing. 

The Achieve Elements draw on powerful extrinsic and intrinsic motivators that help you answer the question, “Is it worth it?” When the answer to that is yes, you find the long-term motivation to move forward because the outcomes are worth the effort.



0% 100%
Results By Element





What Your Results Mean

Congratulations, you rated high in this category of Elements! You can explore how you scored on each of the specific Achieve Elements in the Engagement Results further below, but your cumulative score here shows that your overall sense of “Is this worth it?” is high, because you’re getting strong outcomes from this Critical Context.
The Achieve Elements include powerful extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. They’re about having an impact, seeing that impact, and finding it meaningful. They’re about feeling growth and personal progress. They’re about getting value from your journey, all while maintaining balance and renewal across your Critical Contexts.
Because you’re getting strong outcomes here, your sense of motivation to continue Investing in this Critical Context will be a powerful driver of ongoing engagement.


engagement drivers

For every member of every team, and for every team generally, there will naturally be times of high engagement and low engagement. Engagement is cyclical. 

Understanding the elements that drive engagement within a team at any given time (and over time) can tell you a lot about how what’s going well for that team, and what they care about.

This team’s Primary Engagement Drivers are all the Elements that keep the team actively engaged. They tell you what’s working. 

These are what you want to hold on to, because they keep the team moving forward. The Elements below represent the Primary Engagement Drivers for this team.

Answers: What lens do I choose to look through? 

This Element is about the lens we choose to look through as we process the past, look forward into the future, interpret the circumstances of the present, and decide what story they tell when we put them all together.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

You generally have a clear perspective on where you’ve been, on why that matters, and how that can benefit the Journey you are on. You can see the larger purpose in your Journey and are motivated by it.

You’ve developed the ability to interpret the situations—both good and bad—that arise in this Journey in a constructive way that has a positive impact on your ability to stay motivated to move forward. The Perspective you have in this Journey allows you to create an ongoing internal (and maybe even external) narrative that gives you energy and motivation to succeed.

The longer you spend focusing on this Journey, the stronger that story becomes. And because the story we tell ourselves most often is the story most likely to come true, the positive running narrative you’ve created is likely to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Answers: Does this align to who I am? 

This is about knowing who you are, what you’re capable of, and believing in yourself. It’s about knowing how to bring that best self to the Context that you’re in, and finding those contexts and their activities relevant to that sense of self.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

You can see the value of this Journey in your larger journey through life, and that relevance allows you to identify with it in a way that creates energy to move forward and to keep investing.

You have a strong sense of who you are and can see why that is valuable in your ability to be successful in this Journey. You have strengths and skills that you feel like make a difference, give you a “leg up” and increase your chance of success. The alignment of “who you are” and “why this matters” drives you forward.

You can see the value of what you are working toward and why that will be meaningful for not just who you are today, but who you want to be in the future. You feel like you have the ability to be your best self in this Journey and feel both comfortable and confident. This will lead you to be vulnerable, to take risks, and make bold steps that will increase your chance of success.

Answers: Do I know where I’m going, and do I care about that destination? 

This is about seeing your destination clearly, of knowing where you’re going and the general journey you need to take to get there, and finding that you care about and find purpose in both.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

You have a pretty clear vision and understanding of where you’re ultimately going in this Journey, what you’re trying to achieve, and the role you need to play in getting there. That understanding and clarity of the destination makes it easier for you to stay engaged, because you can envision what it’s going to be like to get there.

You also have a good idea of the major milestones that you’ll need to achieve in order to reach that destination. This allows you keep your focus forward, when others tend to get bogged down in the minutia of the present or the events of the past.

What’s more important, you’ve found a certain sense of meaning, Value, and purpose in the Objectives you’re pursuing, and that purpose holds a motivational power that can propel you when others seem to stall. Your vision of the destination will make you a strong leader, and others on this Journey will likely come to rely on you to help remind them of what you’re really doing and why.

The more you get to tell that story and paint that picture, the more it solidifies in your own mind, and you’ll likely feel the entrenchment of that vision fueling your efforts to keep going.

Answers: Who’s in this with me? 

This is about having connection and camaraderie. It’s about doing the things we care about with people we care about. It’s about being committed to, supported by, and motivated by them.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

You’re more motivated when you’re doing things you care about with people you care about. The care you have for the people involved in this Journey is a powerful motivator for you. You can sense this, and it keeps you moving and keeps you leaning in when at other times you’d be tempted to withdraw.

When the things you do are not just for yourself but for others, there’s a profound internal sense of fulfillment and obligation that become energy activators.

In addition to helping others, you feel you have others who can help you. That provides you with a sense of confidence to move forward, knowing you won’t be moving forward alone.

You probably feel a connection to the people around you, and feel like they’ve got your back or are there to help when the going gets rough. This causes you to take bigger steps and make bolder moves, both of which tend to accelerate your velocity of achievement.

And it’s not all about actually providing assistance to your Journey. Just knowing that people are cheering for you or are there to encourage you provides the internal motivation to keep moving. When the work we do is visible by others and we can sense their appreciation for what we’re doing and the Journey we’re on, we feel a strong sense of drive to keep going.

To keep this Element active, continue to invest in the Relationships you have in this Journey.

Answers: Where can I turn for help?

This is about having a guide, a mentor, someone who believes in us, reminds us why we fight, sees the best in us, and helps us see and navigate the way forward.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

You feel like you have someone to turn to when you get stuck. Knowing you have someone who has traveled your path, or who has a perspective you value, or who you believe can help you navigate the terrain when the terrain gets tough gives you the courage and confidence to do bold things. It will cause you to move forward in times of doubt, to lean in when others lean out.

Your access to a Mentor like that and your willingness to turn to them in times of difficulty are key drivers to your motivation to keep moving.

Even more, you feel like you’re held accountable for the work you do, for the results you get, and for the Journey you’re on. That feeling of accountability, of knowing someone else is watching, that they care, and perhaps that they have something on the line as well, drives you to succeed.

When any of these are missing, your motivation and confidence will decrease, so continue to invest in the relationship you have with your Mentor(s).

Answers: Do I have a place to do what I’m trying to do?

This is about having physical surroundings that support and enable your effort. This includes immediate access to the things you need and the physical space you need in order to accomplish what you’re trying to accomplish.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

We are greatly impacted by the environments we spend time in. While “Environment” is a physical thing, the impact it has on us is deeply emotional.

You feel like the Environment you spend the most time in within this Journey is one that generally supports the work you have to do in it, the objectives you’re pursuing and the overall journey that you’re on. This is hugely advantageous for you, because your Environment helps pull you forward, instead of holding you back.

You also likely feel that the Environment you’re in within this Journey is one that aligns to your Identity—to who you are or who you want to be. When our Environment and Identity align, we can be energized by it. It’s like a refuge, and you may feel that.

Lastly, you probably feel like you have adequate influence over your Environment—that you have the ability to personalize it, to make it your own, and to adapt it in ways that further fuels and motivates you.

To get the most out of this Element, take the time to modify it in ways that remind you of your Journey, of the destination you’re trying to reach, and put as much of yourself into it as possible. It’s especially valuable when you can shape your Environment to reflect where you want to go or who you want to be. When you do this, whenever you enter that Environment, it helps draw you down that path, fueling the Journey you are on.

Answers: What do I have to lose? 

This is about feeling a sense of commitment, about investing what is needed, putting something on the line, feeling a sense of ownership, and deliberately creating a cost to losing, which prevents us from just giving up and keeps us investing and moving forward.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

You’re feeling a sense of emotional commitment to this Journey. It could be to the Journey itself, the Objectives you’re pursuing, or to the Relationships you have with the people in it. Either way, your sense of commitment is a propellant for you. It creates emotional thrust to push through, to persevere, to figure it out, and to succeed.

You also recognize that you have something to lose if you don’t. You feel “invested,” like you’ve put something on the line. That something could be intrinsic, something as simple as your reputation (your Identity), or it could be extrinsic, something like money or time.

Whichever it is, the feeling like you have something to lose will keep you moving forward, it will keep you investing. Having something to lose is a powerful way to stay motivated (it’s called loss aversion).

You probably also feel like you’re giving a lot to this Journey. That creates that sense of putting something on the line, and now you feel like you need to make sure it works out.

Your sense of investment says a lot about your character, and it will create in you an inner drive that can mitigate the absence of many of the other Engagement Elements.

Answers: Am I making a difference?

This is about feeling like you’re making a difference. It’s identifying the impact of your efforts, and finding meaning in the impact you make so you have intrinsic motivation to keep going.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

You feel like you’re making a difference in this Journey. When you feel like you’re making a difference, like you’re having an impact, that feeling propels you. What’s more, it adds to your Identity and bolsters your sense of self, of who you are and what you’re capable of. The impact you make causes you to feel motivated to Invest even more, because you see that it’s meaningful.

When you feel like you matter, and you recognize the Impact of the things you do and the investments you make, you are more likely to take bigger, bolder steps, to lengthen your stride. It fills you with a sense of Momentum, which further increases your motivation to keep going.

Even more importantly, you care about the difference you’re making. It’s one thing to make a difference, and it’s entirely something else to care about the difference you’re making. When both of those are in place, it’s a powerful chemical combination of the Elements. The result is a burning sense of energy that will fuel progress on your journey.

The impact you make is important to you, so don’t lose sight of it. Take time to recognize it, celebrate it, and share it in the right ways. And when you see an impact from others, join in recognizing and celebrating it with them as well.

Answers: What does this help me become?

This is about feeling like you’re getting better—like you’re developing and progressing, building competency and capabilities, and being motivated by that progress. It’s about recognizing that the things you do turn you into someone new, and being happy about the person you’re becoming.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Engaged

You feel like your time and effort in this Journey is causing you to grow, and you care about the growth you’re experiencing. The recognition that you’re getting better, that you’re improving either personally or professionally, is a powerful motivator. It can mitigate a lot of other Elements that might be missing. You likely find a lot of personal meaning in the Growth you’re experiencing.

You also have a reasonable idea of what Growth is yet needed. The ability to identify growth opportunities and to see those opportunities through the right Perspective propels you to keep Investing, because all Growth you incur builds on your Identity—your sense of self and your Perspective of your own potential.

When you feel like you’re growing, you will be motivated to keep moving forward, to climb the hard hills and fight the hard battles. You’ll be more prone to take on big challenges, the types of challenges that lead to big wins, and create a sense of real Impact and Momentum.

Continue to search for opportunities to stretch. Growth only comes when we choose to stretch and take on challenges. The more we stretch, the more we grow, and the more we grow, the more we feel motivated to keep moving forward on our Journey.

That's all!

You have no additional drivers in this section

this team's PRIMARY

disengagement drivers

Disengagement Drivers are the Elements that are absent or weakly represented, and that works against this team’s overall engagement. 

Unresolved, these Elements will drive the team into increasing stages of disengagement, reducing their chance of success. 

It’s important to note that it’s very common to have some Elements in this category, because not every aspect of every team can be perfect. So don’t be surprised if there are some Elements here.

What matters is that we recognize the Elements in this category and try to solve for as many of them as possible.

You want to either move them from Disengagement Drivers to Engagement Neutral (have no impact) or into Engagement Drivers, where they begin to work for the team. 

Most important of all is to pay attention to the ratio of Engagement Drivers to Disengagement Drivers. 

Whichever of those categories has more Elements will have more mass, and that mass will draw this team into either increasing engagement or disengagement.

Understanding and solving for that balance is key to managing team engagement.

That's all!

You have no additional drivers in this section

Elements that are

engagement neutral

These Elements are not currently having an actively negative impact on this team. They’re also not currently having an actively positive impact. 

Whereas Disengagement Drivers lead to stages of disengagement, Neutral Elements create a state of non-engagement. While “not engaged” isn’t as bad as “disengaged,” if a team is “not engaged” in the work they do, they are less likely to achieve the results that they desire, driving down their Success Probability Score.

This category of Elements is important, because they can take less work to solve for. 

If a team can shift even a portion of these Neutral Elements into Engagement Drivers, the overall energy outcome can be really high relative to a generally low investment input. 

Answers: How am I going to get there? 

This is about knowing what you need to do next, having a clear set of milestones that you are confident will get you to your destination, and being excited about and finding purpose in the work you have to do to get there.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Not Engaged (Neutral)

When we are able to see the way forward clearly—when we can see the path—it creates a conceptual way forward that makes it easier to do the physical work needed to create Momentum and move forward.

Additionally, when we know that path leads to the milestones we need to hit, and that those milestones will successfully lead to our Objective, we have more confidence to take the journey. Without that, it’s difficult to engage, to Invest, and to lean in.

What’s more, when we see the way forward and know that way forward leads to what we want to achieve, we need to feel enthusiasm about the actual journey. Having enthusiasm for the destination is not enough to motivate us when the going gets rough. We need to also feel excited about the work we are doing to get there. It’s not that the work is going to be easy, but it needs to be fulfilling.

To turn this element into an Engagement Driver, try to gain additional clarity of the next steps leading to the milestones you need to reach. As much as possible, try to find meaning in the steps you need to take and the work you need to do to get there.

Answers: What do I need to get there? 

This is about identifying and obtaining the things you need to move forward. This could be tools, time, talents, permission, money, or any other resource for your journey.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Not Engaged (Neutral)

Space is the Element that captures the things we need to move forward. It could be permission, autonomy, trust, tools, resources, money, physical space, or anything else that is needed for your Journey.

When you don’t feel like you have space or the means to move forward, it’s very difficult to feel motivated. It’s hard to be excited about a Journey that you aren’t equipped for. Whereas when you have all the tools you know you’ll need to do the work you’re trying to do, it’s a lot easier to set about doing that work.

Space is not always about having everything you need before (or in order) to move forward. It’s also about properly identifying what needs are essential and figuring out how to access those things—either before you start or at the time you’ll need them. Lots of innovation happens when we’re forced to do things we don’t feel equipped to do.

But if you’ve identified core needs that are absolutely essential for the Journey and feel like you don’t have access to them, then you should go to work finding them. Don’t wait for them to come to you.

The key to this element is to first know what you’ll need to move forward, to know how and where to find it, and to get access to it as quickly as possible. Until you have those in place, this element won’t work for you, but rather against you. It’ll be something you have to overcome to move forward, and any Element in that category will create a tax on the energy you have at the beginning of every day for the Journey you’re on.

Answers: Am I making progress? 

This is about having a sense of winning and losing. It’s about knowing that you’re moving forward, or knowing when you’ve stalled, so you can adapt accordingly.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Not Engaged (Neutral)

Scorekeeping is an essential element in our emotional landscape. Behaviorally speaking, when we keep Score, we tend to feel an inner drive to increase that Score—even when the Score doesn’t really matter.

But when the Score does matter, the energy outcome of keeping Score is even higher. And when others have visibility into that Score and the progress we make, the energy outcome goes up even more.

The key to scorekeeping is to have a clear way of measuring both short-term and long-term progress.

When we measure short-term progress, we have a sense of winning or losing, of whether the work we do on a day-to-day basis is making a difference. Without knowing that, we tend to draw back instead of lean in. And when we measure short-term progress, we can gain a sense of Momentum, where the energy of movement fuels more movement.

When we measure long-term progress, we have a sense of whether we’re going the right direction and getting there fast enough (what we call Performance Velocity). That overall sense of success and directionality can be a powerful motivator of progress.

To turn this Element into an Engagement Driver, implement some solid scorekeeping processes into your daily routine. Seek the help and advice from a mentor if you’re not sure how to get started. And on top of all that, find people you trust who you can share your Scores with. That will give you a sense of accountability and investment, which in turn increases the energy to move forward.

Answers: Am I moving forward? 

This is about feeling a sense of progress, finding energy in that progress, and using small means to generate that progress in order to build and maintain momentum.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Not Engaged (Neutral)

Momentum is the feeling of being in motion, of moving forward and making progress. Momentum is built up over time. It begins by starting small—by finding small and simple things and doing them. There’s an energy created when you just get started. There’s an energy to movement that fuels more movement.

The key to turning this Element into an Engagement driver is to find some small things you can do immediately and just start doing them. It’s amazing how fast that can build an inner sense of energy.

Some things you do and achieve will have a larger energy impact on others. Take note of these things. Bake them into a daily routine.

Make sure the Plans you have to move forward on this Journey are granular. They need to be a steady sequence of small, achievable wins that build within you a sense of progress.

Along with that progress will come an energy to continue making progress.

Answers: Am I going the right way and doing the right things?

This is about making sure the path you’re on is the right path, knowing when you’re off path, and knowing how to get back on that path when you get off track.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Not Engaged (Neutral)

The Element of Alignment captures a few key aspects that have a big impact on our emotional state.

The first of these is the feeling like the path we’re on is the right one. Is it the right road for you (does it Align to your Identity)? Will it get you where you want to go (does it Align to your Objective and Plan)?

When those are in place, we experience a confidence to move forward. We feel like it’s safe to take the next step and are more likely to Invest in that journey. But when we don’t know if the path we’re on is the right one, we’ll pull back, withdraw, and disengage.

The next aspect of Alignment is the ability to know when you’re off track. Once you’ve established the confidence that the path you’re on is the right one, knowing that you have Systems, Scorekeeping processes, or Mentors in place to tell you when you’re off path increases that confidence to move forward.

If you fear that you may get off track and not even know it, you’ll be more hesitant. You won’t take the big, bold steps that you otherwise would, and that so often leads to big leaps in progress and the feeling of real Momentum.

To turn this Element into an Engagement Driver, seek help from a Mentor, or from Relationships with people who have traveled your path before. Put into place a good Scorekeeping system that is designed to identify when you get off path.

Answers: What do I get for my effort?

This is about making sure you’re receiving rewards and recognition for your work that create extrinsic motivation to keep moving forward.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Not Engaged (Neutral)

Value is this sense that we’re getting enough reward—intrinsic and extrinsic—for the work we do and the Investment we make into this Journey.

It’s composed of three primary independent aspects. One is that we find intrinsic Value from the time we spend in this Journey. That is an aspect of Alignment and Orient: that we’re in an orbit that we care about, that we have Objectives that we care about, and that we are doing work that we care about (Plan). When these are true, the intrinsic Value goes up.

The second aspect of Value is extrinsic… it’s the tangible rewards you get from the Impact you make in this Journey. This could be monetary rewards, or it could be some other form of renumeration.

The third aspect of Value is recognition. When we Invest and make an Impact, we expose our Identity, and if our contributions are not properly recognized, we tend to take insult from that. We feel like it’s a statement or judgment on our own personal worth.

Each of these aspects have different weights in terms of how much they affect you. To turn this Element into an Engagement Driver, find the one that feels “closest to home” for you and focus on that. You may find that the Value motivator for one Journey may be different for you than in another Journey.

Answers: How do I do it all?

This is about finding restoration and renewal to prevent failures or disengagement that come from burn-out, exhaustion and fatigue. It’s about not jeopardizing other important things as we pursue our goals.

Learn more about this Element.

your rating: Not Engaged (Neutral)

Renewal is about making sure that the energy reserves we have stay filled up. As we Invest in any Journey, we naturally begin to deplete those reserves, because energy is perishable.

Some of the orbits that we are in are inherently renewing. There’s something about the Journey that energizes us. This is an indication of Alignment and the presence of the Orient Elements (that we’re doing work that aligns to our Identity, that we have a proper Perspective, that we’re pursuing Objectives that we care about, and that we’re motivated by the actual work we do… an aspect of Plan). It can also be other Elements that create this, like Relationships (doing things we care about with people we care about) that can create this inherent sense of Renewal.

We also have to balance the demands of multiple Journeys, because our lives are a complex constellation of Orbits that we Invest in.

When one Journey is out of balance, it can exact a heavy toll on the other Journeys in your life. At some point, if left unresolved, the cost can simply become too high, and we’re forced to abandon that Journey.

The key to turning Renewal into an Engagement Driver is to do the work in the other Elements that will increase the restorative nature of the time you spend in this Journey. And lastly, work to achieve balance in your life.

It’s natural to have one Journey occasionally dominate your overall Investible resources, but make sure that happens in moderation, and only over the short term. If you find the demand of one Journey is too high, for too long, you need to find ways to cut back on expectations (either yours or others), or else you’ll burn out. Once you reach burnout, it can be really hard to regain momentum and there’s a propensity to drift into increasingly distant orbits of disengagement, making it really hard to return.

That's all!

You have no additional drivers in this section

your own custom

learning path

Now that you know your engagement results for this Team, the next step is to take action. Begin by learning about the Elements most likely to positively impact engagement within this team. 

You can access the full academy below, or we’ve created a custom journey through this content, based on your results.

This will allow you to focus your learning and optimization efforts on the aspects of this team’s journey most likely to have the strongest and most immediate impact.The more you know and understand about the Elements that drive engagement, the better you’ll be able to engage in and optimize the journeys your teams are on.