organizational development through

management consulting

Organizational performance is built on the foundation of people performance. And while so much of our focus is on measuring and solving for engagement, satisfaction, and performance of the people inside your organization, there are numerous outside factors that also impact organizational excellence.

We have drawn on decades of management consulting expertise and experience to develop a number of frameworks and models that we consult on, to help organizations identify where they are, where they need to be, and chart a course to get there.

Many of these frameworks are taught in our academy, but we have found that the best organizational outcomes happen when we can engage an organization directly and make this an interactive and iterative process.

Sometimes a little outside perspective is just what an organization needs to escape the inertia it’s experiencing… which is where an organization tends to get the results they always get, because they do the things they always do. And that’s because the perspective they have and the ideas and beliefs they harbor are always the same.

the 5-voices of

organizational achievement

One of the many models we consult on is the 5-Voices of Organizational Achievement.

In order for an organization to be successful, it must learn to have empathy for each of these voices. It must learn what it takes to satisfy these voices, engage these voices, and ultimate impact the performance of these groups.

We work hand-in-hand within an organization to bring these voices out of the silos they so often are in, and create visibility of these voices across the organization. 

When these voices are brought into harmony, that’s when you are able to experience phenomenal success, both inside the organization and in the market the organization serves.

and so much more

We do deep-dive consulting on product strategy, corporate strategy, people strategy, customer engagement, employee engagement, culture, leadership, and so much more.

Below are just a handful of frameworks that we teach in the academy, do leadership development and training on. Each has a paired consulting capability for maximum impact.

Performance Iceberg

Performance Iceberg

To drive performance, whether for ourselves or our teams, there are three main areas of focus: time, talent, and energy. In this training we explore the nature of these three variables, how they work together, and how as an individual leader you can leverage these to reach peak performance for both you and your team.

The Orbits of Engagement

The Orbits of Engagement

This model is the outcome of our extensive research into the stages of disengagement we traverse as we move into and out of engagement around something we once cared about, whether it's at work, at home, in a relationship, or around an objective. Learn to identify these stages in yourself and those you lead.

Journey To Purpose

Journey To Purpose

This training arms you with a powerful model of understanding the journey you take—as an individual, as a team, or as an organization—on your journey to purpose. Paired with the Orbits of Engagement, this model will help you understand how to optimize that journey for the highest likelihood of success.

5 Voices of the Organization

5 Voices of the Organization

For an organization to be healthy and create internal and external performance, it must learn to listen to, have empathy for, engage, and satisfy 5 separate but synergistic voices. This training gives you a foundational framework for understanding these voices and creating a plan on how to optimize for them.

Reality Operating System

Reality Operating System

Our reality individually, as a team, or as an organization is the result of a very predictable process. When you understand this process, you gain more control and influence over the outcomes you desire. This training covers a 5-step process by which we perceive, create, and reinforce our own reality.

16 Elements of Engagement

16 Elements of Engagement

Distilled from over 16 years of research, these 16 Elements outline the most fundamental building blocks of high-performing individuals, teams, and organizations. They are what create the energy of engagement that powers progress and performance. Learn what they are and how to activate them.

Orbital Solution Spectrum

Orbital Solution Spectrum

Based on our critically acclaimed Orbits of Engagement, the Solution Spectrum dives into what is needed to systematize diagnosing disengagement and what you can do to respond and react early, whether that's to re-enter the orbit or to make a conscious decision to move on, and how to know which is best.

The Ultimate Journey To Purpose

The Ultimate Journey To Purpose

Our lives, teams and organizations must optimize for not only one journey, but rather successfully bring together many simultaneous journeys in order to succeed. This training builds off the Orbits of Engagement and the Journey to Purpose to create culminating clarity around the journey you are on.

5 Voices of the Individual

5 Voices of the Individual

Each of us grows up building an identity. That identity tends to be shaped by 5 distinct voices. We have the ability to identify the voices that are impacting our identity and adjust the influence they have over who we believe we are. For a leader, this model creates a powerful framework for influence.

The 4 Quadrants of Trust

The 4 Quadrants of Trust

In order to create trust in ourselves, in our teams, in our organization, or to create trust in our customers and the market, we must be trust-worthy. This training covers the 4 primary components of trust-worthiness and creates clarity and understanding of what is often a give-and-take relationship between them.

Human Achievement Process

Human Achievement Process

In gamification and performance alike, the 16 Elements most effectively are ordered into 4 primary pillars. These pillars are the cornerstones of progress on your journey. That journey is stabilized by the two wing-pillars. Together they form a process of continuous improvement to keep you moving forward.

Customer Engagement Synergy

Customer Engagement Synergy

This training creates an understanding of how to create highly engaged customers through a highly engaged workforce. Connected to both the Orbits of Engagement and the 5 Voices of the Organization, you'll understand the synergy of these and how to optimize for market performance.

Engagement Cycle

Engagement Cycle

The path we take through life, whether as an individual, or as a team, or as an organization, follows a highly proven and predictable process. In this training, you'll learn to identify the stages of this process and what you can do to optimize that journey to increase your probability of success.

The Control Spectrum

The Control Spectrum

As we live our lives, at home or work or in any other context, we are constantly presented with scenarios where we are forced to make a decision of how to respond and react. Some decisions create energy and move us forward, some erode energy and hold us back. This training helps you identify the difference.

5 Factors of Effective Communication

5 Factors of Effective Communication

For us to be successful in life, in our teams, in our organizations or in the market, we must be effective communicators. There are 5 areas of communication where we typically mess up. This training helps you identify the 5 aspects that you need to get right in order to be a highly effective communicator.


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Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life. 

  • Discover your true identity
  • Find your purpose
  • Navigate life with confidence
  • Live a life that aligns to your true nature
Spiritual Resonance Ebook - discover your identity, find your purpose and live your best life.

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