Personal Development and Mastery
Answers: What am I becoming?
Moving forward personally or professionally. This is about feeling like you’re getting better, like you’re progressing as an individual, building competency and capabilities, and being motivated by that growth.
lesson 1
course objectives
- Outline the five forms of growth.
- Contrast the typical model of linear/straight line growth with the more organic model of growth.
- Examine “tethers” in your life that have been the product of your own experience with “learned helplessness.”
- Become intentional about your own growth strategies.
Learning Objectives
Discovering strengths and realizing personal growth is an essential part of your Journey to Purpose.
Growth enables us to move forward… to move past challenges, to discover new strengths, to turn inward and expand our sense of self, and to evolve and grow outward.
personal assessments
a moment for reflection
Growth Pre-Assessment
To chart whether you are growing as an individual, you can use the framework found in the Renewal Element that describes five key areas of being, including: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Social.
Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.
lesson 2
Growth and Nature
The Secret River
Sometimes our growth is self-initiated and sometimes it comes from our environment.
As we learn to navigate life’s obstacles, we will grow in ways we may not anticipate.
lesson 3
Learned Helplessness
Have past experiences in your life taught you to stop fighting or to stop trying?
We often make the mistake of assuming our future is cemented in the experiences of the past.
personal assessments
a moment for reflection
What are Your Tethers?
A tether is something holding you back. Tethers may reside in you—fear, laziness, exhaustion, a lack of knowledge; or they may be positioned outside of or around you—certain environments, people, ideas, unreasonable rules or norms.
Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.
lesson 4
The Wisdom of Trees
Trees in the rainforest have mastered the art of growth.
We too must learn to grow despite challenges, competition, and the environment around us.
personal assessments
a moment for reflection
Tree Exercise
Trees reach their potential through the partnership of roots, trunk, branches, and leaves all working in concert. How about you?
Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.
lesson 5
Two Strategies
Bend or Break
Observing nature can reveal important patterns about growth.
Growth requires adaptation to our surroundings and sometimes a little help from those around us.
personal assessments
a moment for reflection
Two Strategies Exercise
There are two Growth Strategies to consider: “Bend or Break” and “Find Shelter.” Depending on the aspect of your growth you are considering, both may be applicable to you in some way.
The “Bend or Break” approach to growth, or Wu Wei, is the Buddhist art of knowing when to bend so that the weight of life doesn’t break you. Sometimes we think we can endure or bear anything. Maybe it’s not always a good idea to fight against things all the time—maybe some flexibility would be a better path.
The “Find Shelter” approach to growth accounts for times when you want to stand on “your own two feet.“ The Elder Oak, person, group, or role model who shares many of life’s experiences can help you endure life’s early or unexpected storms if you’re willing to shelter with them for a while. Remember, Elder Oaks started out as little oaks at one time in their lives.
Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.
lesson 6
Growth Conclusion
What can you learn about growth from nature?
As we are intentional about the ways we grow, we can develop and connect to both who we are and who we want to become.