Having Skin in the Game
Answers: What happens if I fail?
Having something to lose. This is about feeling a sense of ownership, deliberately creating risk or costs for losing to increase the perceived value of our efforts, and prevents us from giving up too soon or too easy.
lesson 1
course objectives
- Assess when you have invested too much or too little in your objectives
- Know when you are in the wrong game and when to let go
- Understand what is meant by “skin in the game” and its importance
- Learn when to grow your investments
Learning Objectives
Do you have enough skin the game? On the other hand, are you over-invested?
Or maybe, are you in the wrong game altogether? It’s critical to know so you can invest just enough to flourish.
personal assessments
a moment for reflection
What Are You Invested In?
Energy drives the behaviors that produce real, long-term outcomes. So if you want to change a long-term outcome, look to change your energy. By way of illustration, consider the following comparison, and take a minute to reflect or journal about it. See what you discover about energy and its impact on success.
Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.
lesson 2
Skin in the Game
What is Skin in the Game?
Investing in our objectives increases our likelihood of obtaining them.
There are many ways we can put “skin in the game” to ensure success.
Gardening is All About Investment
Gardening is a great example of Investment.
For the plants to thrive, we must understand how to find the right balance of investment.
lesson 3
The Right Game
Becoming Anti-Fragile
Investing in ourselves helps us prepare for and deal with the
unknown and unexpected and actually profit from it.
lesson 4
The Wrong Game
We Can't Plant Wherever We Want
Just like plants, not all people thrive in the same environment.
Take the time to invest where you will flourish and succeed.
Sunk Cost Fallacy
Sometimes, we continue to invest in something even when it no longer makes sense to do so.
This is called the “sunk cost fallacy.”
Loss Aversion
There are principles and strategies that we can learn and apply to help us invest in the most effective ways.
Applying the principle of Loss Aversion as an investment strategy can be motivating.
lesson 5
Investment Strategies
Burning the Boats and Beyond
Alexander the Great understood the motivating power of investment as he led his troops to conquer the Persians.
What can we learn from his strategy?
personal assessments
a moment for reflection
Burning the Boats
Consider your past experience with the strategy of “burning the boats.” What have you learned that will help you going forward?
Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.
The Four Investments
Investments may be in the form of time, energy, social identity, or money.
Drawing from multiple categories increases our investment and the likelihood to succeed on our Journey to Purpose.
personal assessments
a moment for reflection
Exploring Investment
We all have a limited capacity to invest. Think about a particular objective you have. How much of your time are you investing in it? What about money, reputation, or skills?
Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.
lesson 6
Investing at the right time and in the right way will increase your success.
Learn what types of investment help best motivate you to achieve your goals.