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getting unstuck, so you can move forward


We all have moments in life when we feel stuck. This is a normal part of the human journey. Getting stuck is not bad, but staying stuck is. 

So when you’re stuck, knowing that you’re stuck and knowing what to do to get unstuck are critical skills we all need to develop to consistently move forward in life.

Getting Started

Meet Dr. Taniguchi

Stacy Taniguchi, PhD., has lived a multitude of accomplishments, including climbing 6 of the 7 Summits, guiding outdoor adventures around the world, and teaching experiential leadership at one of the top universities in the country.  Most importantly, he remains deeply committed to helping individuals become better engaged in life, and he does so from a place of deep humility. He is one of the most human superhumans you will ever meet.

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To get started, watch this presentation by Dr. Taniguchi where he teaches how there are often more opportunities to succeed than we may realize, and there are always people and tools ready to help us when we get stuck. We just need to be willing to let go of whatever may be holding us down.



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