

The Power of a Team


Answers: Do I have to do this alone?

Having people and connections that support you. This is about having connection and camaraderie. It’s doing things we care about with people we care about and being committed to and motivated by them.

lesson 1


Learning Objectives

By the end of this courseyou will learn several important things. 

First, you will recognize that you are affected by the behaviors of those you spend the most time with. You will understand the principle of resonance as it relates to relationships. 

You will be able to distinguish between resonance and interference within your relationshipsAnd finally, you will be able to identify people who support you as you work to reach your objectives. 

Let’s begin.

personal assessments

a moment for reflection

Relationship Pre-Assessment

We all have different ways of working to achieve results. Some of us prefer to work with others and some prefer to work alone. It’s a useful practice to determine if working with others will give you more momentum to achieve your objectives. 

How much do you agree with the following statements?

Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.

lesson 2

Relationships Matter

Helping Hands

There is power in building connections, working together, and supporting each other. 

Relationships matter on our personal journey to excellence. 

Overview of the Assemble Pillar

Success is a journey that requires help. 

The Assemble Pillar is where we utilize those supporting resources.

Relationship in the Assemble Pillar

The people that surround us have a direct impact on our lives. 

We can choose to build relationships with individuals who help us become our best selves and achieve excellence. 

lesson 3

Building Synergistic Relationships


Synergy refers to the power of relationships. We can do more together. 

Investing in relationships will help us experience synergy in all we do.


Relationships bring joy into our lives. 

As we choose to invest in relationships, we will be happier and healthier. 

lesson 4


Resonance and Interference

Building synergistic relationships takes work. 

Music can be a powerful metaphor for helping us identify who we “resonate” or “interfere” with. 

personal assessments

a moment for reflection

Relationship Traits

When building relationships, we should look for people who will support us and people who will challenge us. Friends or supporters should ideally do both.

Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.

lesson 5

Others' Influence

How Others Affect Us

The people surrounding us influence and affect our behaviors. 

We must be intentional not only about the relationships we build, but about who we allow ourselves to be surrounded by. 

personal assessments

a moment for reflection

How Others Affect Us

Who supports and challenges you? Think about actual people you know who are either actively engaged with you or could be if you reached out.

Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.

lesson 6


Relationship Conclusion

Building synergistic relationships takes work. 

Being deliberate about who we add to our “team” will help us on our Journey to Purpose.

personal assessments

a moment for reflection

Relationship Post-Assessment

Relationships help build resonance with others to create outcomes that are greater than the sum of any individual contribution. But what has your experience been? Is it consistent at work, at home, or in your community?

How much do you agree with the following statements?

Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.



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