

Balance and Restoration


Answers: When is enough enough?

Restoration through balance and perspective. This is about finding restoration and renewal to prevent failures that come from burnout. It’s about not jeopardizing other important things along the way.

Lesson 1


course objectives

  • Identify specific times in your life where you have been “running on empty.”
  • Describe the “seasons” model for renewal and use it to understand the short term “imbalances” in your life.
  • Recognize when you need renewal in each of the five “gas tanks”: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Social.
  • Review your recent past and identify situations where “tapping out” would have been a better choice.

Learning Objectives

Renewal is how we replenish the energy that we all use daily. We must learn to assess and balance our energy levels.


reflection activity

Renewal Pre-Assessment

“Running on Empty” is a common phrase to describe getting through something challenging when we’re low on energy. As you consider the “tanks” below, it may be helpful to think of a particular area of your life where your energy needs measuring. Maybe it’s work, parenting, physical exercise, a relationship, etc.

Physical Energy is the energy to DO things. Mental Energy is the energy to THINK about things. Emotional Energy is the energy to CARE about or for things/persons. Spiritual Energy is about the energy to CONNECT to something sublime or profound. Social Energy is about the energy to ENGAGE with others.

Consider where you need to measure your energy in the activity below.


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Consider your personal energy gauges below and mark how much fuel you have in your tanks.
Empty1/4 full1/2 full3/4 fullFull
Empty1/4 full1/2 full3/4 fullFull
Empty1/4 full1/2 full3/4 fullFull
Empty1/4 full1/2 full3/4 fullFull
Empty1/4 full1/2 full3/4 fullFull
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Lesson 2


Guam Seasons

Just as there are seasons in nature, there are seasons in our Journey to Purpose. As we learn to navigate between learning, building, bridging, and bonding, we can effectively balance expending our energy and finding Renewal as we pursue our objectives.


Achieve Pillar Overview

The four elements of the Achieve pillar help us avoid burn out, connect to meaningful rewards, find additional sources of motivation through personal growth, and experience a sense of meaning and contribution, by focusing on the right things.


Lesson 3

Renewal and Depletion

Virtual Tanks

Just as cars need fuel, we need energy. There are five unique types of energy that fill our “tanks” and give us what we need throughout the day.

Renewal is about finding energy for our Journey to Purpose before our tanks hit empty.


Three Renewal Strategies

It is important to be conscious of our energy fuel gauge, so we know when it is time to renew. By monitoring our energy levels we can plan and engage in renewing activities when necessary.


Lonely and Exhausted

Renewal is vital to our health, happiness, and success; and failing to renew can have devastating effects on us and our relationships.

Before we can shape our Journey to Purpose, we must become aware of our perspective. And in some cases, we may even need to change it.


reflection activity

Loneliness Exercise

We pay a high price when we allow the various energy tanks in our lives to become depleted. Loneliness is one indicator that we need renewal. Because it is vital to your health, happiness, and success, consider how you are affected (or not) by loneliness in the activity below.


(Optional) Only used to send you your response.
Consider how you are affected by loneliness. How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
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Engaged Renewal

What activities come to mind when you think of the word “Renewal”? Renewal can come in many forms, it doesn’t just have to be taking a nap or a break.

In many cases, engaging with the right things is more energizing than disengaging from everything.


Lesson 4

The Cost of Abundance

Extravagant vs Extraordinary

Renewing our energy can be as simple as going for a walk, eating an ice cream cone, or talking with an old friend. These are times when the ordinary becomes the extraordinary.


reflection activity

Extraordinary Exercise

It’s tempting, when a relationship has been ignored, to want to revive it by doing something “big” or “flashy.” Sometimes that’s the right approach. Sometimes choosing to do something extra-ordinary (like going for a walk with a friend or spending 30 minutes combing out your cat’s fur) can be just as relationship building but with very little extravagance or material costs.

Explore what you can do in the activity below.


(Optional) Only used to send you your response.
Reflect on your relationships as you answer the following question.
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Lesson 5

The Four Human Seasons

The Human Seasons

In life, we should be intentional about where we choose to focus our attention. Different times in our lives will require focus on different things, and that is okay.


reflection activity

Season Exercise

Do you spend a large portion of your time building knowledge and skills? What about working or parenting? Do you spend a significant amount of time working on relationships or mentoring and supporting those who need your help? Take a moment in the activity below to consider where you are invested and where you want to be doing more.


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The Learning Season is when you’re dedicating time and energy to the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

The Building Season is about work. The focus in the building season is both meeting the needs of the here and now and building for the future.

The Bonding Season is a time for strengthening family and other relationships.

The Bridging Season is about building a legacy that connects your life to future generations.

Consider where you are invested as you answer the following questions.

Identify the current and ideal percentages for your current human seasons. Put an amount in each Season without exceeding the total of 100% for all four.

In your present situation, what percentage of your time do you spend in the Learning Season?
In your present situation, what percentage of your time do you spend in the Building Season?
In your present situation, what percentage of your time do you spend in the Bonding Season?
In your present situation, what percentage of your time do you spend in the Bridging Season?

Does it feel intentionally out of balance or are there areas that you should be investing more time and energy in?

Capture the ideal breakdown by percentages for your human seasons. Put an amount in each Season below without exceeding the total of 100% for all four.

In your ideal breakdown, what percentage of your time would you spend in the Learning Season?
In your ideal breakdown, what percentage of your time would you spend in the Building Season?
In your ideal breakdown, what percentage of your time would you spend in the Bonding Season?
In your ideal breakdown, what percentage of your time would you spend in the Bridging Season?
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Lesson 6


Informed Surrender

Knowing when we need a break, and taking that break, is vital to our continued success. Do you take occasional breaks as part of your Renewal strategy?


Lesson 7


Continued Progression

Renewal is vital to our continued progression along the Journey to Purpose. How will you refill your energy?


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Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life. 

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