An Overview of
The Orbits Model
Escape the Gravitational Pull
of a Negative Self Identity
In this course you’ll learn about the gravitational systems that exist in our lives and how they shape our behavior.
With this understanding, you’ll learn how to create gravitational systems that pull you forward and escape those that hold you back.
lesson 1
Introduction to the Orbits Model
In The Orbits Model, you’ll learn what makes gravitational systems so powerful and how they work.
More importantly, you’ll learn how to construct gravitational systems that pull you forward and escape those that hold you back.
We Are All On a Journey
Whether you are an individual focused on your personal life and relationships or a leader in an organization
focused on engaging others, you are on a lifelong journey. And that journey is often messy.
lesson 2
The Light of Purpose
Wake Up to the Light
We can develop the ability to leverage all of the processing power of our subconscious—that we’re normally not aware of—to make decisions.
Once you identify your purpose in life and begin to consciously pursue that path, understanding what different inputs mean will help you know how and when to make changes to stay on course.
Journey to Purpose
Along this journey there are scores of “pivot points” where you make decisions—decisions about an important relationship in your personal life, decisions about your career path, and so on.
These decisions bring you to a new place where you’ll be engaged for a time. Whether it is a literal destination, like moving to a new home—or a figurative destination, like learning a skill—these places represent what are called ORBITS.
lesson 3
Mass, Gravitation, and Orbital Dynamics
Orbits Pull at Us
Many things pull us into an orbit. For example, the choices we make: we choose to be in a relationship with a partner or spouse. We choose to accept a job or pursue a hobby. Another thing that pulls us into an orbit is a construct, like a tradition or belief or bias that we have learned or inherited. It’s ours even if we didn’t seek it out.
In all instances, orbits pull at us even when we’re not actively seeking them. And they can pull us toward destinations that take us away from our Journey to Purpose.
Adding Mass
The things we orbit have mass. Add mass; add gravitational attraction. If you find yourself drifting away from critical contexts you care about—
a job, relationship, etc.—you can actively practice adding mass to stop orbital drift and to re-engage more strongly than ever.
lesson 4
Critical Contexts
What is a Critical Context?
A critical context is a key area in our life that we value or care most about. It could be a role we play. It could be something physical, emotional, or mental that we value.
It could be an objective like learning, serving, creating, or improving. Some contexts are more critical to us than others, and they can change over time.
Orbiting Critical Contexts
We “orbit” critical contexts when we engage with them, just like a spaceship can orbit a planet, moon or star. When the orbit is healthy and aligned to our purpose, we are stable and productive.
When we feel disconnected, lost or emotionally volatile, it usually means we’re disengaged with one of these critical contexts.
lesson 5
Orbital Drift
Beginning to Leave
Regardless of what you’re currently orbiting, you will continue to be drawn towards that context as long as you choose to engage with it.
You might stay there for a little while. But over time, all orbits are affected by internal and external forces. When that happens, there is orbital drift.
The Path to Purpose
The gravitational pull to stay engaged with what you’re currently orbiting is always being tested. Even if you are not actively evaluating your critical contexts, you will feel when things are going well.
You’ll also sense when things don’t feel right. This is simply an indicator that something is acting on your orbit, either pulling you out of it on your larger Journey to Purpose or holding you back.
lesson 6
Orbital Inertia
Allowing or Overcoming
Orbital inertia—being pulled back toward an old orbit—is so powerful it can feel almost impossible to overcome. When it’s part of a critical context that you value, it can be a strength;
but when it’s part of an orbit that’s holding you back, impeding your journey, it’s time to do everything you can to reach escape velocity. Only then can you move forward on your Journey to Purpose.
Pursuit of Purpose
Every orbit and every escape are part of us just figuring out what we were born to do. Our mission. Our purpose. When you find that purpose you can bask in its warmth—not because you’re done but because you are now confident of who you are, why you are here, and where you are going.
It’s not necessarily that our progress has stopped, but we have stopped oscillating back and forth and now we can center our lives on the pursuit of that purpose.
lesson 7
Healthy Orbits
Peak Engagement
When you are engaged in an optimal orbit, you are strongly connected to your “why”—you’re in a state of peak engagement or flow.
You are absolutely connected to the critical contexts that you have chosen to engage with.
Every Orbit Matters
Every orbit and every escape are part of figuring out what you were born to do. It’s all part of discovering your mission and your purpose.
When you find that purpose you will feel fulfilled and energized, not because the journey is over, but because you can confidently move forward knowing the next step in the path that is ahead of you.
lesson 8
Engage or Disengage
The Trigger
When the energy in one of your orbits changes, it’s always because of a trigger—
something that will cause you to step back and ask, “Should I still be investing myself here?”; “Is this still something I care about?”
Emotional Distancing
We all create emotional distance when we are not completely committed to our current course. Emotional distance gives us space to reevaluate, refresh and renew, and that can be very healthy.
On the other hand, this can be a moment where we discover a new purpose drawing us forward.
Solidifying Resolve
When we decide to leave an orbit, we are committing to a new path forward. It starts when we begin to think, “Well, maybe that’s not actually the right orbit for me.”
We may question if we are in the right relationship, right job, or chasing the right goals. Gradually, that questioning turns into the solidification of resolve where we decide it’s time to move on.
The Crystallization of Discontent
Sometimes we may decide to stay in an orbit even after it’s clearly not aligned with our Journey to Purpose. When that happens, we can get stuck in a state called the Crystallization of Discontent. This is when we become toxic to the orbit that we are in. As we project our unhappiness, we affect not only ourselves, but also others.
In the work setting, for example, we become toxic towards other employees and the organization. In a family, we might fail to show up emotionally even though we find ourselves going through the motions. If we ever recognize ourselves in this state, we need the courage to re-engage or find a new orbit on our Journey to Purpose.
lesson 9
The First Step
Within your critical contexts, ask yourself where you are in your orbits. Are you engaged? Are you drifting? Have you created emotional distance? Have you solidified your resolve to leave? Have you reached the crystallization of discontent, and if so, have you decided to stay, even if you should leave?
Understanding Orbits is an incredible first step on your life journey. Simply being aware of how you engage with critical contexts every day gives you a valuable advantage in life. From here, you can learn the Science of the 16 Elements and develop the personal insight and skills to consistently add mass or achieve escape velocity as you navigate your own Journey to Purpose.
personal assessments
a moment for reflection
Orbits Reflection
Think about the Orbits in your life. What have you learned about them?
Note: Reflection is critical to the learning process. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness that lies below the level of consciousness (learn more). It also triggers emotions which create neurological connections, or cognitive markers that facilitate memory (learn more). Sometimes these reflection opportunities may seem silly or unnecessary. But the science shows it will increase both memory and understanding.