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The Personal Energy Profiles of your team members will give you deep insights into what drives them them and motivates them, what they care about, and what types of things they have natural competencies for.
When it comes to performance, we tend to fixate on the levers of time and talent and ignore energy—the emotion we have for the work we do. But of the three, the research shows that energy matters most. That means we have to go DEEP to understand the energy drivers for our team, both collectively and individually.
The Personal Energy Profile is a personality assessment based on over 20 years of research. It will give you deep insights into your team, allowing you to understand what drives them, what motivates them, what they care about, and even the types of things they have a natural competency for (or may struggle with).
Learn more about the science
behind the Profile
First, make sure each member of your team has an account. Once they’ve logged in, simply have them take their Personal Energy Profile, which they can do right from the dashboard.
Make sure all your team members
have accounts
Click on the “Employee Profiles” tab at the top of this page to view all the profiles that your team has completed. You can also click on the “Team Profiles” tab to create a composite profile for that team. This will tell you the combined personality (or culture) of that team.
Don’t forget to take your own
Personal Energy Profile
Sometimes you want to compare one employee’s personality profile to another employee. Or maybe compare it to a team, or some other composite profile. You can even compare two composite profiles (like comparing one team to another team, for instance if you want to see what personality attributes separate two different teams.) For this, there’s the Employee Profile Comparison Tool.
Compare an employee to another employee, or to a composite profile.
In your recruiting, you can give candidates access to a Candidate Profile assessment. You can then compare their results to an individual on your team, or to a composite profile like “Top Performer,” or to the composite profile for the role you’re hiring for. It’s a powerful way to ensure you’re hiring the “just right” candidate. To learn more about the Team Fit capability, visit the Team Fit tool.
Use the Energy Profile on candidates
to find the perfect team fit
The Energy Profile will tell you what Elements matter most to a team, department, role, or composite profile. You can then run an Engagement Assessment for that same group, which will tell you the degree to which those Elements are either present or absent. You’ll know more clearly than ever what matters, and where to put your focus to increase engagement and performance.
Measure employee engagement
across your team members
If you ever need help understanding what a profile or engagement report means or how to apply it, our professional consultants are available to go through the details with you, offering you the personalized support and expertise you need to make the most of the incredible insights you now have access to.
Get professional review of your team’s profiles or reports
For organizations to be effective, they must be market driven and employee centered. To be employee centered, you have to deeply understand your employees. You have to have true empathy and understanding for them in order to help them be satisfied, engaged, and high-performing. This is captured in our 5 Voices model. The Life Engineering Personality assessment let’s you learn more about the IDENTITY of your employees, leaders, and teams. It’s a critical part of being employee centered.
Take our course on the 5 Voices of Organizational Achievement
View our Training page for more
information and to request training
The following profiles are available for your team. If a team member doesn’t show up here, they either don’t have an account, or they haven’t yet taken the Personal Energy Profile. Click on the view icon to review their most recent Energy Profile.
Note: For a prompt that can be used to discuss any team member’s Energy Profile with Ellie, Your Personal AI Coach and Consultant, click on the copy icon next to the individual’s last name. Once copied, you can paste that snippet of text (including enclosing brackets) into a chat with Ellie.
You currently have an Employee Essentials account through your organization.
Those with a leadership account have access to additional content and tools, which can include:
To request Leadership access, contact your organization’s administrator here.
You currently have an Employee Essentials account through your organization.
Those with a leadership account have access to additional content and tools, which can include:
To request Leadership access, contact your organization’s administrator here.
What would you like to do: create a new composite profile, or view a profile you’ve already created?
The following individuals are available to you. If an individual doesn’t show up here, they don’t yet have an account. If their name shows up but you can’t select it, that means they haven’t yet taken the Personal Energy Profile.
Cancel any time.
Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life.
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