composite energy profile

Profile Code:


These are the 5 core Elements that make up this team’s Energy Formula. They are a large part of what makes them who they are. They are fundamental to the team’s personality and identity, to what drives them and what they’re good at. 

They can be a guide for the work this team excels at. They will help identify the projects they’re likely to be successful in, the things they will be naturally motivated to do and find the most fulfillment from. They work together to form the chemistry of this team.

what is an energy formula?

This team’s Energy Formula is a magical and unique chemistry of 5 Elements. 

These Elements work together and interact with each other in unique and magical ways. Their interaction are what create the talents, traits, attributes, strengths, preferences, desires, and behavioral tendencies that make this team who they are. 

This team’s formula is unique. It represents a certain set of superpowers. Things that they are (or have the specific potential to be) incredibly good at. 

Understanding this team’s formula, the Elements within it, and what they mean to them and the organization is incredibly important. When they focus on their strengths, they will be happier, do better, and find more fulfillment from their work. 

The Elements in this team’s profile represent not only their current strengths, but also their potential. 

This team’s formula is special. It will help you recognize how important and valuable they are… that they have superpowers, that they have untapped potential just waiting to be released. 

Understanding this team’s potential is the first step to helping them achieve it!

If you need help understanding this profile

why energy is so important

A team’s Energy Profile helps you identify not just their strengths, attributes and personality, but also what most motivates them… where they get their energy.

The ability to find and sustain energy is critical to achievement. Energy describes the desire, emotion, enthusiasm and passion we feel for the things we do. And when it comes to performance and achievement, energy is what matters most, especially in long-term pursuits.

Want to learn more about our engagement solution for organizations?

Why you should measure

engagement energy

The word “engagement” describes the energy this team has for the things they do and the journeys they’re on. Over time, that energy will ebb and flow. Sometimes they’ll feel highly engaged, and other times, they’ll feel disengaged.

Disengagement can be small, like lacking motivation to do something specific. It can also happen at a larger level, like becoming disengaged from a long-term goal or objective.

It can even happen on a macro level, like becoming disengaged from work, in a relationship, or with life itself.

Prolonged disengagement can be catastrophic to the outcomes and objectives of this team’s individual lives that really matter.

This team’s ability to sustain energy in the things that matter most is critical to long-term success. We sometimes call it grit, perseverance, tenacity or “stick-to-it-iveness”! 

But because disengagement happens slowly, by degrees and over time, they tend to not notice it until it’s too late or until a lot of damage has been done.

This team’s Energy Profile will tell you what Elements most motivate them. They can then take the Engagement Assessment to know how engaged they are, based on those Elements. They can know what’s driving their engagement, what’s creating disengagement, and most importantly, what they can do about it!

If you need help understanding this profile

what are the 16 Elements

Over the last 20 years, Life Engineering has been on a mission to understand what drives human achievement, and how to help people and organizations identify, access and achieve their full potential. 

Our research has indicated there are three main categories that impact achievement. These include:

  • Time – How much time someone gives, how they use that time, and how productive they are with that time
  • Talent – What applicable skills that person has or develops that they can apply
  • Energy – The motivation, drive, commitment, enthusiasm and level of engagement that person feels for what they’re doing

We particularly wanted to dive deep into the category of Energy and motivation, because what we found is that when someone has more Energy for something, they tend to give it more time, and be better with the time they spend on it. They also tend to develop more Talent for that thing, and have a natural propensity to develop that talent.

We found that when it comes to achievement, between Time, Talent and Energy… Energy matters most. This is especially true for an objective or initiative that happens over a longer period of time. We call these Journeys.

Because of the importance of Energy on achievement, we did extensive research to identify what motivates people, where they get their drive. We wanted to understand what gets them started and what keeps them engaged and moving forward. This could be on a macro scale, like in life; on a large scale, like over a career, or in a relationship or project; or on a micro scale, like over the span of a day.

Through our research, we identified 16 Elements that, when present or active, are what causes someone to be emotionally engaged, motivated, and driven to move forward.

Our research also showed that some Elements are more motivating to us than others… we call these Core Motivators. As we dove into this, we found that the reason these Elements are “Core Motivators” is because they are fundamental aspects of our identity. It’s core to who we are.

From this research, the Energy Profile and Engagement Assessment were born.

The Energy Profile identifies the specific Elements that form the chemistry of a team’s identity, and the Engagement Assessment allows individuals within a team to measure the degree to which those Elements are active across their core journeys in life.

Click here to learn more about each of these Elements.

If you need help understanding this profile

how do I use this?

An Energy Profile is a guide to understanding a team’s identity. It will help you understand who this team is, what they’re naturally good at, and what motivates them. 

This is a very important journey. 

This understanding can help you make decisions that will help encourage individuals on this team to live happily, achieve more, and find more purpose and fulfillment in life.

By knowing this team, you can make more informed decisions, helping them set meaningful goals, build stronger relationships, and achieve more fulfillment at work. It allows you to understand what truly motivates them and what they value most, which can guide your actions and decisions in how you interact with them. By living and working in alignment to their identity they can live happily, achieve more, and find more purpose and fulfillment from life.

Take time to understand their profile.

There is a lot here. We have given you lots of information and insight to help you understand them. Learn about the Elements in their profile by reading their various attributes and characteristics.

We’ve built an entire membership system to help you understand and optimize identity, including:

  • Achievement AcademyYou have access to a full online Academy, where you can take courses on all of the Elements.
  • Achievement Network – You have access to a growing community where you can engage and interact with others who share Elements in their formula.
  • Achievement Services – If you need additional help and support understanding this profile and how to apply it—the situations you’re in and the decisions you make—you can access additional services, like coaching or a personal readout.
If you need help understanding this profile


The level of impact this element has on your overall formula


The Energy Formula is a unique chemistry of Elements that work together and interact with each other in important ways to make this team who they are. 

Their top 5 Elements are those that most motivate them and give rise to their strengths and characteristics. The top 5 Elements are listed in the order in which they rank, with the highest-ranking Element first.

The Element Weight is an indication of the level of impact that particular Element has on this team’s overall identity profile. 

  • Tier 1 (score of 86-100) – Maximum Impact
  • Tier 2 (score of 71-85) – High Impact
  • Tier 3 (score of 46-70) – Medium Impact
  • Tier 4 (score of 21 – 45) – Low Impact
  • Tier 5 (score of 0-20) – Minimal Impact

As you study this team’s formula, take time to consider the Element Weights of each Element, and what that means.

For instance, if their first three Elements are Tier 1 Motivators, and their last two Elements are Tier 3 Motivators, then the majority of their identity attributes will be comprised of those first three Elements, with the latter two adding color and focus to those Elements. In this case, you would want to really concentrate on understanding this team’s first three motivators, as they have a disproportionate impact on who they are.

On the other hand, if all 5 Elements in this team’s formula are Tier 1 Motivators, and the gap between them is small, then that gap is likely within the margin of error of the assessment. In that case it really doesn’t matter what order they’re in, because they all have nearly an equivalent impact on this team’s identity attributes.

As you browse all of the sections in this team’s profile, you’ll see the Element Weight across all 16 Elements. That can be helpful as you work to understand the level of impact each Element has, or how much it contributes to their total profile.

If you need help understanding this profile

Tier 5

Tier 4

Tier 3

Tier 2

Tier 1


The level of impact this element has on your overall formula


The Energy Formula is a unique chemistry of Elements that work together and interact with each other in important ways to make this team who they are. 

Their top 5 Elements are those that most motivate them and give rise to their strengths and characteristics. The top 5 Elements are listed in the order in which they rank, with the highest-ranking Element first.

The Element Weight is an indication of the level of impact that particular Element has on this team’s overall identity profile. 

  • Tier 1 (score of 86-100) – Maximum Impact
  • Tier 2 (score of 71-85) – High Impact
  • Tier 3 (score of 46-70) – Medium Impact
  • Tier 4 (score of 21 – 45) – Low Impact
  • Tier 5 (score of 0-20) – Minimal Impact

As you study this team’s formula, take time to consider the Element Weights of each Element, and what that means.

For instance, if their first three Elements are Tier 1 Motivators, and their last two Elements are Tier 3 Motivators, then the majority of their identity attributes will be comprised of those first three Elements, with the latter two adding color and focus to those Elements. In this case, you would want to really concentrate on understanding this team’s first three motivators, as they have a disproportionate impact on who they are.

On the other hand, if all 5 Elements in this team’s formula are Tier 1 Motivators, and the gap between them is small, then that gap is likely within the margin of error of the assessment. In that case it really doesn’t matter what order they’re in, because they all have nearly an equivalent impact on this team’s identity attributes.

As you browse all of the sections in this team’s profile, you’ll see the Element Weight across all 16 Elements. That can be helpful as you work to understand the level of impact each Element has, or how much it contributes to their total profile.

If you need help understanding this profile

Tier 5

Tier 4

Tier 3

Tier 2

Tier 1


The level of impact this element has on your overall formula


The Energy Formula is a unique chemistry of Elements that work together and interact with each other in important ways to make this team who they are. 

Their top 5 Elements are those that most motivate them and give rise to their strengths and characteristics. The top 5 Elements are listed in the order in which they rank, with the highest-ranking Element first.

The Element Weight is an indication of the level of impact that particular Element has on this team’s overall identity profile. 

  • Tier 1 (score of 86-100) – Maximum Impact
  • Tier 2 (score of 71-85) – High Impact
  • Tier 3 (score of 46-70) – Medium Impact
  • Tier 4 (score of 21 – 45) – Low Impact
  • Tier 5 (score of 0-20) – Minimal Impact

As you study this team’s formula, take time to consider the Element Weights of each Element, and what that means.

For instance, if their first three Elements are Tier 1 Motivators, and their last two Elements are Tier 3 Motivators, then the majority of their identity attributes will be comprised of those first three Elements, with the latter two adding color and focus to those Elements. In this case, you would want to really concentrate on understanding this team’s first three motivators, as they have a disproportionate impact on who they are.

On the other hand, if all 5 Elements in this team’s formula are Tier 1 Motivators, and the gap between them is small, then that gap is likely within the margin of error of the assessment. In that case it really doesn’t matter what order they’re in, because they all have nearly an equivalent impact on this team’s identity attributes.

As you browse all of the sections in this team’s profile, you’ll see the Element Weight across all 16 Elements. That can be helpful as you work to understand the level of impact each Element has, or how much it contributes to their total profile.

If you need help understanding this profile

Tier 5

Tier 4

Tier 3

Tier 2

Tier 1


The level of impact this element has on your overall formula


The Energy Formula is a unique chemistry of Elements that work together and interact with each other in important ways to make this team who they are. 

Their top 5 Elements are those that most motivate them and give rise to their strengths and characteristics. The top 5 Elements are listed in the order in which they rank, with the highest-ranking Element first.

The Element Weight is an indication of the level of impact that particular Element has on this team’s overall identity profile. 

  • Tier 1 (score of 86-100) – Maximum Impact
  • Tier 2 (score of 71-85) – High Impact
  • Tier 3 (score of 46-70) – Medium Impact
  • Tier 4 (score of 21 – 45) – Low Impact
  • Tier 5 (score of 0-20) – Minimal Impact

As you study this team’s formula, take time to consider the Element Weights of each Element, and what that means.

For instance, if their first three Elements are Tier 1 Motivators, and their last two Elements are Tier 3 Motivators, then the majority of their identity attributes will be comprised of those first three Elements, with the latter two adding color and focus to those Elements. In this case, you would want to really concentrate on understanding this team’s first three motivators, as they have a disproportionate impact on who they are.

On the other hand, if all 5 Elements in this team’s formula are Tier 1 Motivators, and the gap between them is small, then that gap is likely within the margin of error of the assessment. In that case it really doesn’t matter what order they’re in, because they all have nearly an equivalent impact on this team’s identity attributes.

As you browse all of the sections in this team’s profile, you’ll see the Element Weight across all 16 Elements. That can be helpful as you work to understand the level of impact each Element has, or how much it contributes to their total profile.

If you need help understanding this profile

Tier 5

Tier 4

Tier 3

Tier 2

Tier 1


The level of impact this element has on your overall formula


The Energy Formula is a unique chemistry of Elements that work together and interact with each other in important ways to make this team who they are. 

Their top 5 Elements are those that most motivate them and give rise to their strengths and characteristics. The top 5 Elements are listed in the order in which they rank, with the highest-ranking Element first.

The Element Weight is an indication of the level of impact that particular Element has on this team’s overall identity profile. 

  • Tier 1 (score of 86-100) – Maximum Impact
  • Tier 2 (score of 71-85) – High Impact
  • Tier 3 (score of 46-70) – Medium Impact
  • Tier 4 (score of 21 – 45) – Low Impact
  • Tier 5 (score of 0-20) – Minimal Impact

As you study this team’s formula, take time to consider the Element Weights of each Element, and what that means.

For instance, if their first three Elements are Tier 1 Motivators, and their last two Elements are Tier 3 Motivators, then the majority of their identity attributes will be comprised of those first three Elements, with the latter two adding color and focus to those Elements. In this case, you would want to really concentrate on understanding this team’s first three motivators, as they have a disproportionate impact on who they are.

On the other hand, if all 5 Elements in this team’s formula are Tier 1 Motivators, and the gap between them is small, then that gap is likely within the margin of error of the assessment. In that case it really doesn’t matter what order they’re in, because they all have nearly an equivalent impact on this team’s identity attributes.

As you browse all of the sections in this team’s profile, you’ll see the Element Weight across all 16 Elements. That can be helpful as you work to understand the level of impact each Element has, or how much it contributes to their total profile.

If you need help understanding this profile

Tier 5

Tier 4

Tier 3

Tier 2

Tier 1

Potential Energy

Potential Energy describes a team’s level of self-motivation. It represents their inherent capacity and propensity to engage and the energy they have when they do. High Potential Energy indicates a strong inherent drive, while low Potential Energy may suggest a reliance on external factors for motivation. Understanding and effectively managing a team’s Potential Energy can enhance members’ well-being, performance, and overall life satisfaction. 

Click the “Learn More” button for more info.

Potential Energy

Potential Energy is a comprehensive measure that captures team members’ intrinsic levels of self-motivation in aggregate. It describes the total energy available that can be converted into Engagement Energy (the energy of action).

This Potential Energy (or capacity for intrinsic motivation, as proposed in Self-Determination Theory) is driven by an internal sense of interest or enjoyment rather than relying on external pressures or rewards.

high potential energy

A high Potential Energy score suggests a strong inclination towards self-motivation. Teams with high aggregate Potential Energy scores are likely to be naturally driven to engage in activities due to a sense of enjoyment and personal importance. They are likely to exhibit a high level of enthusiasm for these activities. 

Individuals within a group like this are likely to be naturally curious, proactive, persistent, and resilient in the face of challenges, and they often derive a high level of satisfaction and fulfillment from their activities.

low potential energy

On the other hand, a low Potential Energy score might suggest that on the whole, this team is less intrinsically motivated, or for one reason or another, at this point in time, just has less energy to give. This doesn’t mean they have no motivation, but rather rely more on external factors for motivation and energy. These could include things like compensation, rewards or recognition, but likely have less innate passion for the activities they engage in. 

The individuals within a group like this might find it more challenging to initiate or persist in activities, especially when faced with obstacles or setbacks, or when extrinsic motivators are absent or don’t measure up to expectations.

changing potential energy

Unlike the Personal Energy Profile, which defines the Elements that most comprise one’s core personality, and tend to change very little (if ever), the Potential Energy score for a group of individuals can change greatly over time. This happens as the individuals within this group change.

There are simply times in life when we have more energy and times when we have less energy. These variations in Potential Energy, or the energy we have available to engage, can cause us to experience cycles of engagement (or disengagement) in life.

Often the reasons for these fluctuations are circumstantial. But we have control over our Potential Energy. We have the ability to dramatically improve and impact how much Energy we have to apply to the contexts of life that matter most (one’s Critical Contexts). To learn more about this, visit the Potential Energy principle in the Achievement Academy.

understanding potential energy

Understanding this group’s level of Potential Energy is crucial as it can provide valuable insights into the personal energy landscape of the individuals within the group. 

It can guide you in identifying activities that this team may be naturally drawn to and in which they are likely to persist and succeed. It can also help you understand their potential challenges and areas for growth.

Whether this group has high or low Potential Energy, it’s not about good or bad, but about understanding their unique motivational needs and preferences and how they shape their life.

By understanding and effectively managing Potential Energy, this team can enhance the well-being, performance, and overall life satisfaction of each member.

Potential Energy is a sophisticated and complex concept and there’s much more to really understand about it.

To truly dive into what Potential Energy is and what this team’s score means, visit the Potential Energy principle in the Principle Knowledge Base of the Achievement Academy.

If you need help understanding your profile

confidence & Self-Efficacy

This describes how confident team members are in their skills and abilities, and how much they believe that they can positive impact their life and work. It shows up in how they approach life, work and their journeys, and in how they look to the future.

It’s important to note that confidence is not a representation of actual skills or abilities, but rather a measure of their perception of these. 

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Confidence and Self-Efficacy represent one’s belief in their abilities and their capacity to use those abilities to achieve desired outcomes in life. There are 3 main factors at work here, Perceived Competence, Confidence, and Self-Efficacy.

  • Perceived Competence: This refers to an individual’s belief about their ability or skill in a specific area. It’s about how competent or capable they perceive themselves to be. Perceived competence is domain-specific and is often influenced by past experiences and feedback from others. For example, if an individual has been successful in a task in the past, they may perceive themselves as competent in that task.
  • Confidence: Confidence is a broader term that refers to a general belief in one’s abilities. It’s a feeling of self-assuredness that comes from an appreciation of our own abilities or qualities. Confidence can be domain-specific (e.g., I am confident in my ability to cook a good meal) or more general (e.g., I am a confident person). Confidence is often seen as a personality trait that can influence behavior across a variety of situations.
  • Self-Efficacy: Self-efficacy, a concept introduced by psychologist Albert Bandura, is more specific than confidence. It refers to an individual’s belief in their capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments. It’s not just about knowing what to do, but also believing that you can do it in a particular context. Self-efficacy is context-specific and can vary depending on the situation. For example, a person might have high self-efficacy in cooking but low self-efficacy in public speaking.

In summary, while all three terms relate to an individual’s belief in their abilities, they differ in their specificity and context. Perceived competence is about one’s skills in a specific domain, confidence is a more general belief in one’s abilities, and self-efficacy is about one’s belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations or tasks.

In aggregate, a group’s level of Confidence and Self-Efficacy will reflect the individuals’ Perceived Competence, Confidence, and Self-Efficacy. Remember that some members of the group will have higher Confidence and Self-Efficacy, while others will have lower.

high confidence and self-efficacy

When a team scores high in Confidence and Self-Efficacy, it means they generally feel capable and believe in their ability to perform tasks, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals in various aspects of life. They trust in their skills and are likely to take on challenges, persist in the face of obstacles, and bounce back from setbacks. This belief in their abilities can fuel their motivation, enhance their performance, and lead to greater satisfaction and well-being.

low Confidence & self-efficacy

On the other hand, if a team scores lower in Confidence and Self-Efficacy, it doesn’t mean they lack abilities or skills. Instead, it may indicate that they’re less certain about their capacity to use those skills to achieve desired outcomes. They might be more hesitant to take on challenges or may feel more discouraged by setbacks. However, remember that confidence and self-efficacy can be developed. By setting achievable goals, seeking out experiences that build their skills, and cultivating a growth mindset, they can enhance their confidence and self-efficacy over time. 

understanding confidence and self-eficacy

Understanding this group’s Confidence and Self-Efficacy score in their PEP can provide valuable insights into their motivations, behaviors, and potential areas for growth. It can help you identify where they may feel most capable and where they might want to focus on building their confidence and belief in their abilities. This understanding can empower you to help them align with their strengths, challenge areas where they want to grow, and ultimately lead to more fulfilling and successful life and work. 

If you need help understanding this profile


The Connectedness Score describes team members’ natural tendency to reach out, form connections, and include other people in their journey. 

It’s an indication of the fulfillment and joy they get from being connected to and associating with others. It describes their level of need for social connection and creating relationships.

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Connectedness reflects the degree to which individuals in a group involve others in various aspects of their life and how much they value social interactions and relationships. Its about more than just the number of social connections they have; its about the quality of those connections and the extent to which they integrate social aspects into their life. 

A high score in connectedness suggests that individuals in this group actively seek to involve others in their life, whether its sharing perspectives, involving others in their plans, seeking mentorship, or finding renewal in doing things with others. It indicates that they value social interactions and relationships and see them as an integral part of their life journey.

On the other hand, a lower score in connectedness might suggest that individuals in this group prefer to navigate life more independently, or that they may find it more challenging to involve others in their life. This doesnt necessarily mean they lack social skills or relationships, but rather that they might prefer a degree of solitude or independence in their activities and decisions.

Understanding Connectedness and Relatedness

Connectedness is closely associated with the concept of relatedness, a fundamental psychological need as identified in Self-Determination Theory. Relatedness refers to the need to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others, to feel a sense of belonging and emotional connection.

A high score in connectedness suggests a strong sense of relatedness. Keep in mind that because the Connectedness score is an aggregate score, some individuals in the group will have higher levels of Connectedness than others.

A high score indicates that on the whole, individuals in this group not only seek social interactions, but they also strive for deeper, more meaningful connections. They value the emotional bonds they form with others and derive a sense of belonging and security from these relationships. They actively involve others in various aspects of their life, such as sharing perspectives, involving others in their plans, seeking mentorship, and finding renewal in doing things with others.

A lower score in connectedness, while suggesting a preference for more independence, does not necessarily mean a lack of relatedness.

Individuals in this group may still have meaningful relationships and a sense of belonging, but they might prefer to navigate certain aspects of life more independently. It could also indicate areas where they might want to focus on enhancing their sense of relatedness, such as by deepening existing relationships or building new ones.

Understanding this group’s level of connectedness and relatedness can provide valuable insights into their social behavior and preferences. It can guide them in nurturing their relationships, improving their social skills, and finding the right balance between independence and social engagement. Whether they score high or low in connectedness, remember that its not about good or bad, but about understanding their unique social needs and preferences and how they shape their life. 

This aspect of connectedness and relatedness is vital to feeling like were thriving in life and finding purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. You can explore this concept more fully by visiting the Connectedness principle in the Principle Inventory of our Achievement Academy.

If you need help understanding your profile


The Autonomy Score is a measure of team members’ perceived control, influence, and ability across various aspects of their life and work. It reflects the degree to which they feel they can make independent decisions, influence their outcomes, and shape their own path. 

Autonomy is about having the freedom to act according to their values, interests, and beliefs, and feeling that their behavior is self-endorsed and congruent with their personal values and beliefs.


Autonomy is about having the freedom to make choices that are in alignment with one’s identity (their most authentic self). The aggregate Autonomy score for this group indicates how much Autonomy the individuals in this group feel they have on the whole. Keep in mind that some of the individuals will have higher levels of Autonomy than others.

High Autonomy

High levels of autonomy are associated with feeling a strong sense of personal freedom and self-determination across various life domains.

Individuals with high autonomy believe they have a significant influence over their surroundings, relationships, personal growth, and the achievement of their goals.

They feel secure in their identity, confident in their ability to find resources and guidance, and believe in their capacity to make a difference.

High autonomy is also associated with a strong sense of personal efficacy, control, and feeling like they have the ability to shape their life according to their values and interests.

Low Autonomy

Low autonomy often leads to a feeling of being constrained or controlled.

Individuals with low autonomy may feel that their actions and decisions are heavily influenced by external factors or pressures, rather than being a true reflection of their personal values and interests.

They may feel less confident in their ability to influence their surroundings, relationships, and personal growth, and may struggle with goal achievement. Low autonomy can lead to feelings of helplessness, lack of control, and a disconnect from one’s authentic self.

Autonomy Preservation

People who have a high level of autonomy tend to have a high desire to maintain that autonomy.

The preservation of autonomy is critical to them. In most instances, they esteem it to be even more valuable than those who have no autonomy, but desire it (this is the principle of Loss Aversion).

Because of this, if someone has a high degree of autonomy and is put within a situation or environment or context where they have less autonomy, they will tend to quickly become dissatisfied.

This is a common Departure Trigger.

When this happens, they may first seek to reclaim their autonomy, but if it becomes clear that this is unlikely, dissatisfaction will become disengagement, and can rapidly fuel their acceleration through the stages of disengagement.

When a group feels a low level of Autonomy, that can also be a critical Departure Trigger. Not all members may feel the same way, but if the Autonomy score is low, that could be a significant cause for concern.

Increasing Autonomy

It is important to seek autonomy, and to increase the autonomy we feel across life’s domains, or critical contexts, especially at work.

For more information on what Autonomy is, on how it works and how to increase it, click here to open the principle on Autonomy in our Principle Inventory of the Academy.

If you need help understanding your profile


The Passion score describes the overall breadth of passion team members feel, or how passionate they are in their life.

It’s an indication of the emotional enthusiasm they naturally carry with them and can indicate their level of curiosity and energy for trying new things. Raw passion is a huge source of natural energy that drives engagement in life.


results across all 16 elements

Below you will be able to see how this group of individuals scored across all 16 Elements, using three distinct lenses. Each will help you more fully understand this group’s culture and identity and what motivates them. Understanding what these scores mean, through each of these lenses, can make a big difference in helping you know what you can do to help them feel more motivated, be more engaged, achieve success and find fulfillment in life and work. 

Element Weight


The Energy Formula is a unique chemistry of Elements that work together and interact with each other in important ways to make this team who they are. 

Their top 5 Elements are those that most motivate them and give rise to their strengths and characteristics. The top 5 Elements are listed in the order in which they rank, with the highest-ranking Element first.

The Element Weight is an indication of the level of impact that particular Element has on this team’s overall identity profile. 

  • Tier 1 (score of 86-100) – Maximum Impact
  • Tier 2 (score of 71-85) – High Impact
  • Tier 3 (score of 46-70) – Medium Impact
  • Tier 4 (score of 21 – 45) – Low Impact
  • Tier 5 (score of 0-20) – Minimal Impact

As you study this team’s formula, take time to consider the Element Weights of each Element, and what that means.

For instance, if their first three Elements are Tier 1 Motivators, and their last two Elements are Tier 3 Motivators, then the majority of their identity attributes will be comprised of those first three Elements, with the latter two adding color and focus to those Elements. In this case, you would want to really concentrate on understanding this team’s first three motivators, as they have a disproportionate impact on who they are.

On the other hand, if all 5 Elements in this team’s formula are Tier 1 Motivators, and the gap between them is small, then that gap is likely within the margin of error of the assessment. In that case it really doesn’t matter what order they’re in, because they all have nearly an equivalent impact on this team’s identity attributes.

As you browse all of the sections in this team’s profile, you’ll see the Element Weight across all 16 Elements. That can be helpful as you work to understand the level of impact each Element has, or how much it contributes to their total profile.

If you need help understanding this profile

While the Energy Formula shows this team’s 5 highest-ranking Elements, here you can see how much each of the other Elements contribute to their team culture and identity. This allows you to gain more granular insights into additional attributes of their identity! 

Perspective 100%
Identity 100%
Objective 100%
Plan 100%
Relationship 100%
Space 100%
Mentor 100%
Environment 100%
Score 100%
Momentum 100%
Investment 100%
Alignment 100%
Impact 100%
Growth 100%
Value 100%
Renewal 100%