training & leadership development

businesses don't create value, people do

So if we want to increase business value, then we have to focus on increasing our people value, and for this, there’s live training, workshops and leadership development! 

All training modules can be fully independent, and include subscriptions for those who attend. This allows attendees to take the assessments prior to training, so that training can be more targeted to help you know how to act on the insights you’ve gained.

When live training is done well, it has a way of carrying an energy with it that is impossible to simulate virtually. In addition to that, there’s huge value that comes from in-person facilitation to increase information synthesis and application.

Life Engineering specializes in delivering powerful, unforgettable, and highly impactful live training events.

See below for some of the powerful frameworks we train on.

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our most popular, and highly recommended

4-hour training event

This training is designed to be an overview and introduction to the foundational models and frameworks underlying our proprietary Engagement Science and the Life Engineering Academy and Assessments. It provides an introductory-level understanding of our most core ideas. 

FOUNDATIONS is our most highly recommended training for all leaders, managers, and executives so they can make the most out of their subscriptions and the reports they’ll have access to. This is the “Training” version of these frameworks, which is more concise and less interactive. For the more thorough, in-depth, and interactive versions of these, see the Workshop section below.

FOUNDATIONS includes core training on the following frameworks.

Performance Iceberg

Performance Iceberg

To drive performance, whether for ourselves or our teams, there are three main areas of focus: time, talent, and energy. In this training we explore the nature of these three variables, how they work together, and how as an individual leader you can leverage these to reach peak performance for both you and your team.

16 Elements - Overview

16 Elements - Overview

Distilled from over 16 years of research, these 16 Elements outline the most fundamental building blocks of high-performing individuals, teams, and organizations. They are what create the energy of engagement that powers progress and performance. Learn what they are and how to activate them.

Human Achievement Process

Human Achievement Process

In gamification and performance alike, the 16 Elements are ordered into 4 primary pillars. These pillars are the cornerstones of progress on your journey. That journey is stabilized by the two wing-pillars. Together they form a process of continuous improvement designed to keep you moving forward.

Journey To Purpose

Journey To Purpose

This training arms you with a powerful model of understanding the journey you take—as an individual, as a team, or as an organization—on your journey to purpose. Paired with the Orbits of Engagement, this model will help you understand how to optimize that journey for the highest likelihood of success.

The Orbits of Engagement

The Orbits of Engagement

This model is the outcome of our extensive research into the stages of disengagement we traverse as we move into and out of engagement around something we once cared about, whether it's at work, at home, in a relationship, or around an objective. Learn to identify these stages in yourself and your team.

Orbital Solution Spectrum

Orbital Solution Spectrum

Based on our critically acclaimed Orbits of Engagement, the Solution Spectrum dives into what is needed to systematize diagnosing disengagement and what you can do to respond and react early, whether that's to re-enter the orbit or to make a conscious decision to move on, and how to know which is best.

Ultimate Journey To Purpose

Ultimate Journey To Purpose

Our lives, teams and organizations must optimize for not only one journey, but rather successfully bring together many simultaneous journeys in order to succeed. This training builds off the Orbits of Engagement and the Journey to Purpose to create culminating clarity around the journey you are on.

5 Voices of the Organization

5 Voices of the Organization

For an organization to be healthy and create internal and external performance, it must learn to listen to, have empathy for, engage, and satisfy 5 separate but synergistic voices. This training gives you a foundational framework for understanding these voices and creating a plan on how to optimize for them.

Engagement Cycle

Engagement Cycle

The path we take through life, whether as an individual, or as a team, or as an organization, follows a highly proven and predictable process. In this training, you'll learn to identify the stages of this process and what you can do to optimize that journey to increase your probability of success.


The following modules are available in a more in-depth, workshop style format. These are designed for a deeper, more thorough understanding, and are delivered in true workshop style, with lots of time for synthesis, discussion, and facilitation. 


4-hour workshop series

The Engagement Essentials Workshop Series is an extensive, 4-hour exploration into the Orbits of Engagement, covering extensively the role of energy in performance, and the behavioral mechanics of energy and engagement we experience as individuals, within teams, and inside the broader organization.

This workshop series will leave you with a solid understanding of the energy of engagement, and how that impacts culture (the energy undercurrent inside your organization). You’ll leave with a solid plan on what you can do to positively impact that energy in ways that are specific to you, your team, and your organization.

In this workshop series, your facilitator will take you on a highly textured tour through the following frameworks:

Performance Iceberg

Performance Iceberg

To drive performance, whether for ourselves or our teams, there are three main areas of focus: time, talent, and energy. In this training we explore the nature of these three variables, how they work together, and how you can leverage these to reach peak performance for both you and your team.

Journey To Purpose

Journey To Purpose

This training arms you with a powerful model of understanding the journey you take—as an individual or as a team—on your journey to purpose. Paired with the Orbits of Engagement, this model will help you understand how to optimize that journey for the highest likelihood of success.

The Orbits of Engagement

The Orbits of Engagement

This model is the outcome of our extensive research into the stages of disengagement we traverse as we move into and out of engagement around something we once cared about, whether it's at work, at home, in a relationship, or around an objective. Learn to identify these stages in yourself and your team.

Ultimate Journey To Purpose

Ultimate Journey To Purpose

Our lives and our teams must optimize for not only one journey, but rather successfully bring together many simultaneous journeys in order to succeed. This training builds off the Orbits of Engagement and the Journey to Purpose to create culminating clarity around the journey you are on.

Orbital Solution Spectrum

Orbital Solution Spectrum

Based on our critically acclaimed Orbits of Engagement, the Solution Spectrum dives into what is needed to systematize diagnosing disengagement and what you can do to respond and react early, whether that's to re-enter the orbit or to make a conscious decision to move on, and how to know which is best.

Engagement Cycle

Engagement Cycle

The path we take through life, whether as an individual, or as a team, or as an organization, follows a highly proven and predictable process. In this training, you'll learn to identify the stages of this process and what you can do to optimize that journey to increase your probability of success.

leadership essentials

4 - hour workshop series

The Leadership Essentials workshop series is designed to arm your leaders with 6 of our most impactful models. Each of these cover some of the most foundational aspects of leadership effectiveness and human performance. 

The Leadership Essentials workshop series consists of the following frameworks:

Human Achievement Process

Human Achievement Process

In gamification and performance alike, the 16 Elements are ordered into 4 primary pillars. These pillars are the cornerstones of progress on your journey. That journey is stabilized by the two wing-pillars. Together they form a process of continuous improvement designed to keep you moving forward.

The Control Spectrum

The Control Spectrum

As we live our lives, at home or work or in any other context, we are constantly presented with scenarios where we are forced to make a decision of how to respond and react. Some decisions create energy and move us forward, some erode energy and hold us back. Now you can know the difference.

5 Voices of the Individual

5 Voices of the Individual

Each of us grows up building an identity. That identity tends to be shaped by 5 distinct voices. We have the ability to identify the voices that are impacting our identity and adjust the influence they have over who we believe we are. For a leader, this model creates a powerful framework for influence.

The 4 Quadrants of Trust

The 4 Quadrants of Trust

In order to create trust in ourselves, in our teams, in our organization, or to create trust in our customers and the market, we must be trust-worthy. This training covers the 4 primary components of trust-worthiness and creates clarity and understanding of the give-and-take relationship between them.

Reality Operating System

Reality Operating System

Our reality individually, as a team, or as an organization is the result of a very predictable process. When you understand this process, you gain more control and influence over the outcomes you desire. This training covers a 5-step process by which we perceive, create, and reinforce our own reality.

5 Factors of Communication

5 Factors of Communication

For us to be successful, we must be effective communicators. There are 5 main categories we need to get right... and where we often go wrong. This training helps you identify the 5 primary aspects of communication that you need to get right in order to be a highly effective communicator.

Business essentials

4 - hour workshop series

Our Business Essentials series is designed for executives and business leaders. In this series we cover a broader view than the internal lens of culture and engagement. We take the same models and frameworks and apply them outward to understand customer engagement, prospect engagement, and the journey the larger organization takes over time as it evolves to solve the needs of customers by listening to the voice of the market.

5 Voices of the Organization

5 Voices of the Organization

For an organization to be healthy and create internal and external performance, it must learn to listen to, have empathy for, engage, and satisfy 5 separate but synergistic voices. This training gives you a foundational framework for understanding these voices and creating a plan on how to optimize for them.

Org: Journey To Purpose

Org: Journey To Purpose

This training takes the Journey to Purpose model and applies it to the evolution of the organization. It's designed to help you clearly understand not only where you've been, but to see where you're going with more clarity, and to understand some of the challenges you'll inevitably face as you move forward on that journey to organizational purpose.

Customer Engagement Synergy

Customer Engagement Synergy

This training creates an understanding of how to create highly engaged customers through a highly engaged workforce. Connected to both the Orbits of Engagement and the 5 Voices of the Organization, you'll understand the synergy of these and how to optimize for market performance.

org: Ultimate Journey To Purpose

org: Ultimate Journey To Purpose

Our organizations are highly complex, and highly nuanced ecosystems. There are a constellation of journey's that must somehow come together... individuals, departments, teams, initiatives— for it to be successful. This training will help create clarity around the harmony of this work and what you can do to increase your chance of success.

customer Engagement

customer Engagement

This model is the outcome of our extensive research into the stages of disengagement we traverse as we move into and out of engagement around something we once cared about, whether it's at work, at home, in a relationship, or around an objective. Learn to identify these stages in yourself and your team.

engagement-drive sales/influence

engagement-drive sales/influence

This workshop takes a look at sales and influence through the lens of the Orbits of Engagement. You'll learn how in either case, you're simply moving someone out of an old orbit, and into a new orbit. This understanding of the orbits will help you increase your effectiveness as a leader or sales person, and across all aspects of your life.

16 element workshop - orient

4 - hour workshop series

This workshop series provides a deep dive into the Elements that make up the Orient Pillar in the Human Achievement Process. Whether as a leader trying to orient your team, or an individual trying to orient your life or your work, now you can experience the joy that comes when you put your past into perspective and your future in focus… when you know who you are, where you’re going, and how you’re going to get there.



Answers: What world do I see?


A cornerstone component that determines the experiences we have and the meaning we get out of the lives we live. This is about choosing our focus and taking control of our narrative. 



Answers: Who am I? 


A foundational and transformative journey of self-discovery. This is about knowing who you are, what you're capable of, and why that matters for the context of life that you're in.



Answers: Where am I going?


Set your sights on the future and leave your past behind. This is about choosing a destination you care about, having a higher cause, and finding purpose to propel you forward.



Answers: How am I going to get there? 


This is about knowing what to do next, or having a clear path forward, with small and simple next-steps clearly defined to reduce resistance and maintain forward momentum.

16 element workshop - assemble

4 - hour workshop series

This workshop series will take a deep dive into the Elements that make up the Assemble Pillar in the Human Achievement Process. Whether as a leader for your team, or an individual for yourself, now you can experience the power that comes when you equip your journey with the things you need to be successful… when you find your guide, build your team, access the resources, and have an environment to support your efforts. 



Answers: Do I have to do this alone? 


Having people and connections that support you. This is about having connection and camaraderie. It's doing things we care about with people we care about and being committed to and motivated by them.



Answers: What do I need to get there? 


How to get what you need to do what you need to do. This is about identifying and obtaining the things you need to move forward... the tools, time, talents, permission, resources, or whatever else you need.



Answers: Where can I turn for help? 


Having access to help for when you get stuck. This is about having a guide, a mentor, someone who believes in you, who reminds you of why you fight, who sees the best in you and helps you become that.



Answers: How do I ensure success? 


Architecting an environment that sustains you. This is about having surroundings that support and enable your effort. It's people, systems, symbols, score, objectives, and other environmental cues.

16 element workshop - act

4 - hour workshop series

This workshop series provides a deep dive into the Elements that make up the Act Pillar of the Human Achievement Process. Whether as a leader for your team, or an individual for your own life, now you can experience the thrill that comes when you start to make meaningful progress in life… When your efforts align to your objectives, when you can measure progress, feel the momentum, and know how to invest to keep moving forward. 



Answers: Is it working? 


Measure your performance and be accountable. This is about having a sense of winning and losing. It's about knowing that you're moving forward, or knowing when you've stalled so you can adapt accordingly.



Answers: What keeps me going?


Leveraging the energy of movement to fuel more movement. This is about staying active and anxiously engaged, because people in motion tend to stay in motion, while people at rest tend to stay at rest.



Answers: What happens if I fail?


Having something to lose. This is about feeling a sense of ownership, deliberately creating risk or costs for losing to increase the perceived value of our efforts, and prevents us from giving up too soon or too easy. 



Answers: Am I going the right direction?


Constant course correction. This is about making sure the path you're on is the right path and identifying any adjustments that might need to be made so that answer is always an absolute "YES"! 

16 element workshop - achieve

4 - hour workshop series

This workshop series offers a deep dive into the 4 Elements comprising the Achieve Pillar of the Human Achievement Process. Whether as a leader for your team, or as an individual for your life, now you can experience the fulfillment that comes when you’re getting the right results from the life you live… when you’re making a difference, growing from your effort, receiving value from your work, and living a life of balance. 



Answers: Am I making a difference? 


Making a difference and caring about the difference you make. This is about having an impact, understanding that impact, caring about that impact, and finding meaning and fulfillment from that impact.



Answers: What am I becoming? 


Moving forward personally or professionally. This is about feeling like you're getting better, like you're progressing as an individual, building competency and capabilities, and being motivated by that growth.



Answers: What's in this for me?


Being rewarded for your efforts. This is about making sure you're receiving rewards and recognition for the things you do so you have ample incentive and motivation to keep doing them. 



Answers: When is enough enough? 


Restoration through balance and perspective. This is about finding restoration and renewal to prevent failures that come from burnout. It's about not jeopardizing other important things along the way.

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Written by founder and CEO of Life Engineering, this book is a guide to the human journey… to your journey. It’s a guide to looking forward and not back. It’s a guide for finding your way and making decisions. It’s a guide to understanding who you are and why you matter. It’s a guide to finding your purpose and living your best life. 

  • Discover your true identity
  • Find your purpose
  • Navigate life with confidence
  • Live a life that aligns to your true nature
Spiritual Resonance Ebook - discover your identity, find your purpose and live your best life.

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