coming soon
We want to be sure that you have the help you need, in the moment of need. For this, there’s Life Support.
Once available, you’ll be able to access live, on-demand Life Support for wherever you are in your journey. You’ll be matched to a certified Life Support Specialist who is qualified to be your guide for the specific part of your journey you need help with.
For more information on why we care so much about this, watch the video below (or scroll down for text).
Are you interested in becoming a
Certified Life Support Specialist?
We’re building up our inventory of coaches now. Click the link below (or scroll down) to apply!
When it comes to life, people need help.
The Surgeon General reports a global epidemic of loneliness. We’re the most connected generation in history and yet we lack connection.
People are struggling with the most fundamental questions of life . . . including their Identity. They’re trying to figure out who they are. They’re struggling to find their purpose. They’re struggling to find a way forward. Or worse, they’ve stopped struggling. And this is the very definition of waste.
The reality is that everybody needs life support, and it’s catastrophic that we have to wait until we’re in critical condition to get it.
But if someone decides to get help, where do they go? How long does it take? How much does it cost? There’s a stigma around getting help, created by a precedent of snake-oil solutions in this space.
Coaching’s current business model either prices it out of range for most people or creates barriers to access.
People just don’t have access to the help they need in the moment of need. There’s too much latency between when they ask and when they get an answer, and most people fall out of that funnel before they ever get help.
Simply fill out the form below to let us know you’re interested, and we’ll reach out to you to go over the certification process.