LG Hires

client invitation email template

This email template is designed to be used by the LG Hires Sales staff, after setting up a client account on Life Engineering. The email:

  • Notifies them that their organization is set up on Life Engineering
  • Notifies them that they have an admin account
  • Provides instructions on setting up their account
  • Provides instructions on what they need to do next
  • Provides information on what they can do with their account
  • Provides them with an email template they can use to send to their employees
Parts that are in <<bold brackets>> will be filled out by the sales person prior to sending.

<<client name>>

I’ve now set up <<client company name>> on the Life Engineering platform. 

This will allow us to send you candidates based also on personality, and that align to an internal, top-performer profile (more below).

I’ve created an administrator account for you. You should have received an email from Life Engineering inviting you to set up your account. If you don’t see it, check your junk email folder.

Just click the link in that email, to confirm your email address and enter your name to register. After that, you’ll be taken to the user dashboard so you can immediately begin using the site.

But the setup process isn’t yet complete.

You’ll receive a second email from Life Engineering, with a link you can click to set up your password. This provides a double-layer of security to make sure we are protecting personal, internal data.

Now what?

Now that you have your account set up, we need to create a top performer profile. Here’s what we need you to do next:

  1. Identify up to 5 internal employees that best represent the TYPE of person you want us to look for.
  2. Send them an email inviting them to sign up and take the personality assessment (a template is provided below, for your convenience).
  3. Reply back to me as soon as those you’ve selected have finished their assessments.

That’s it. We’ll then create a combined target profile, and will start matching candidates to that profile.

While you wait

You now have full access to the Life Engineering platform for organizational excellence. Your membership, and the (up to) 5 memberships you give to the employees we use for your target profile, are complementary memberships for using LG Hires.

Feel free to explore the academy for personal development and leadership development. Take courses, participate in the community and explore the tools. You can take your own personality profile (from the dashboard, just click on “Personal Energy Profile”).

If you decide you want to provide memberships to additional employees in order to see their personality profiles, or to measure engagement or satisfaction, or to offer it to them for personal development or leadership development, you can do that too.

To add employees

Just visit your dashboard, click on the Admin tab, and then click “Add Team Members” at the top. Adding team members is easy. Adding an employee account costs only $14.99 per employee per month (usually it’s $19.99 PEPM, but we give you a discount). You can create an account for leaders (giving them access to additional leadership development content, and tools) for only $24.99 per leader per month (usually $29.99 PLPM).

If you have any questions about your membership, how it all works, or how to use Life Engineering, from the dashboard, click the “Discussions” card and click on the “LE Tech Support” discussion. There, you can talk to a Life Engineering specialist.

Email Template

Here’s the email template you can send to your employees:



We’re looking for someone to fill a role for us, and are working with an staffing agency to do so. They have an advanced way to help us find candidates that are the right fit for not only skills and experience, but also by personality. But what they need from us are some internal employees who represent the type of person we’d really like this candidate to be like.

You’re one of those employees!

What we need you to do is create a Life Engineering account, and take their personality assessment (called the Personal Energy Profile). Once you (and a few other’s we’ve selected) take it, they can then use those profiles to match candidates for us.

Here’s what we need you to do:

Create an account by visiting this link: <<Sales Person enters the client company’s bulk setup URL here>>

Once you create your account, you’ll be taken to the dashboard, at the top of the dashboard, click “Personal Energy Profile” and fill that out.

Email me once you’re done, so I can let them know.

After that, just fun enjoying your free personality profile! Because we selected you, you’ll also have complimentary access to the Life Engineering platform. Please feel to explore and use it as much as you can!



That’s it. Just send this to the internal employees you’d like us to use for the target profile. Feel free to modify it as needed.

Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise we look forward to sending you some highly qualified candidates very soon!


<< Sales Person’s name / email signature>>