spiritual resonance

how to discover your true identity and live your best life


You remember the game “Hot and Cold” we used to play as kids? 

There’s a collective chorus of “getting warmer… getting warmer…” as a blindfolded person closes in on some hidden object. Or there’s a cacophonous “getting colder… getting colder…” as they move farther away.

Life is like this.

There are times in life where it feels like you’re getting warmer, like you’re getting closer to something important. This natural phenomenon is called Spiritual Resonance.

There’s an energy you feel when you encounter certain things—certain people, places, activities, projects or situations—that makes it feel like you’re getting warmer.

This happens when the nature of those things in some way aligns to your own spiritual nature—your most authentic self. That alignment creates a sense of spiritual resonance that generates a feeling of warmth.

Sometimes these are strong, wake-you-up moments that move you to act. Other times they are subtle signals that barely register on your radar.

On the other hand, there are also times in life where it just feels like you’re getting colder. Like life grows darker. Instead of wake-you-up energy, you struggle to wake up at all, and have no energy or enthusiasm for anything. You lack purpose and direction. This happens when your life lacks spiritual resonance—when the life you live does not align to your spiritual nature.

If you’re not careful, these “getting colder” moments can monopolize your perspective, dominate your life, and cause you to quit. You lose hope, lack purpose, and grow farther from your potential.

This book will teach you how to identity and become more sensitive to Spiritual Resonance. It will teach you how to use this remarkable compass to discover your true identity, find your purpose, fulfill your true potential, and align your life to your most authentic self.

As you use Spiritual Resonance to align your life with your authentic self, you will experience unprecedented happiness and fulfillment.

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