Category: Motivation & Energy
Insights, tools and resources to find motivation for life, energy to move forward, strength to endure, and power to press on.
My new book: Escape Velocity
Efren Penaflorida wins CNN hero of the year
Making the most of what you have
Straining toward achievement
Michael Phelps – setting and achieving goals
Two lessons from Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps – Making your dreams come true
Little Lin Hao – a survivor, hero, and example
It’s all about attitude
Four reasons why hope breeds success
Lessons from the Apple iPhone 2.0
Keep a – goin
keep a-goin’ articles Keep a-Goin’Frank L. Stanton If you strike a thorn or rose,Keep a-goin’!If it hails or if it snows,Keep a-goin’!‘Taint no use to…
Be Strong
That’s not my job
A Psalm of Life
A PSALM OF LIFE articles A Psalm of LifeHenry Wadsworth Longfellow Tell me not, in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is…
Life Sculptor
LIFE SCULPTOR articles In association with “It is what you make of it” and “The Builders,” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, here’s another beautiful poem supporting…
The Builders
It is what you make of it
IT IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT articles Once upon a time, there was a child whose father gave him a set of blocks and…