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Ellie Community Forums Orbits Crystallization of Discontent

  • Crystallization of Discontent

    Posted by Rusty Lindquist on April 20, 2023 at 6:47 pm

    The Crystallization of Discontent, or Stage 3 Disengagement, is the final emotional stage before reaching Escape Velocity.

    This is where Solidifying Resolve gives way to something much deeper, an almost irrecoverable emotional animosity toward the orbit that once held us. In this stage we become actively toxic of that orbit. Our outward thrust to leave to something else is so great, and the gravitational pull of the orbit we were once in so small that Escape is almost inevitable.

    In an unhealthy orbit, or even an orbit whose value has simply expired, this is the moment right before change, right before we choose to actually exit and go or do something else.

    A lot of powerful emotions rule this stage. Let’s talk about it and understand it more!

    Rusty Lindquist replied 1 year, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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