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Ellie Community Forums Orbits Escape Velocity

  • Escape Velocity

    Posted by Rusty Lindquist on April 20, 2023 at 6:55 pm

    Escape Velocity, or Stage 4 Disengagement, is where we have finally graduated from deciding to depart, to actually doing it. This is where we quit and leave. Solidifying Resolve and the Crystallization of Discontent is where we quit and stay. It can take a lot of courage to quit and leave, even when the orbit we were in is unhealthy, because it means we’re stepping out into something new. Because of this, many people never reach Escape Velocity, and instead choose to linger in one of the preceding stages of disengagement.

    People experiencing Stage 2 or 3 Disengagement need to either make a decision to re-engage and re-invest, so they can be successful, or need to accelerate out so they can move on.

    Escape Velocity is a moment of transformation. It can be good, or it can be bad, depending on the circumstances, but either way, these are moments that make us.

    Let’s talk about it.

    J Tod Smith replied 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • J Tod Smith

    April 20, 2023 at 7:09 pm

    It’s staring to change, but the labor market has been one of the most challenging things for employers. A large percentage of their employees are at Solidifying Resolve & Crystallization of Discontent stage. They’re a warm body and they fog the mirror, so expectations are lowered, leading to poor morale and less profitable companies. The age of underachievement.

Reply to: Rusty Lindquist
Escape Velocity, or Stage 4 Disengagement, is whe…
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