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Ellie Community Forums Orbits General Discussion

  • General Discussion

    Posted by Rusty Lindquist on April 20, 2023 at 6:40 pm

    The Orbits of Engagement is a model that describes the emotional stages we tend to traverse as we engage and disengage in things throughout our lives. It happens in all aspects (or orbits) of our lives. Understanding this model can be hugely helpful in giving us the ability to identify when we (or those we lead or love) are disengaging, and knowing what we can do to help.

    There are times when we are engaged (or seemingly stuck) in an unhealthy orbit. In these instances understanding how to manufacture and fuel movement throughout these stages is what we are trying to accomplish.

    This discussion is where we can talk about this framework generally. How you’ve seen it in your own life, or in the lives of others. Feel free to share, ask, comment, and discuss!

    For more detailed discussion of the various aspects of this framework, go back and select the corresponding discussion to go deep.

    Sara replied 1 year, 3 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • J Tod Smith

    April 20, 2023 at 6:49 pm

    Leaders understanding their people at a deeper level is important; it helps them provide the needed support to keep them engaged. That’s one of the big reasons I like the Personal Energy Index Profile – it’s basically an Engagement Roadmap for individuals. When you understand your people’s wants and needs it becomes a lot easier to coach them.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  J Tod Smith.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  J Tod Smith.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Sara Hurd.
  • Sara

    April 21, 2023 at 9:05 am

    This model was a big “hook” for me into Life Engineering. It really resonated with me, because I had seen this pattern in my own life. I saw it in the ups and downs of engagement in my career as well as personal pursuits and relationships. To be able to actually understand the moving pieces of what fosters engagement or creates disengagement has been a gift, because now I am not just along for the ride but can be much more purposeful about my engagement.

Reply to: Rusty Lindquist
The Orbits of Engagement is a model that describe…
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