
Peaks and valleys. Life is full of them.

The important thing to remember when you’re in a valley is that you won’t stay there forever. Valleys are temporary, even when they seem to last an eternity.

Inevitably, you find yourself back on top again. Sometimes, just remembering that can be the encouragement you need to endure.

Not all valleys are huge. Sometimes the valleys I face are daily, even hourly.

Sometimes I seem to have so much energy, direction, purpose, and momentum. And then, in a very short period of time, that all seems to get washed away somehow, and I feel tired, confused, or begin to doubt my former resolve and decisions.

When I start to feel that way, I consciously tell myself to shut up. I know it will pass—the clarity will come again, the resolve will return, the momentum will pick back up. And guess what? It does.

I think that one of the best ways to handle life’s little valleys is to just not take them too seriously.

It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn our lessons (when the valleys were self-inflicted), but sometimes we just need a break—it’s that simple.

So the next time you doubt yourself, the next time you question your journey, the next time you just feel tired and ready to give up, don’t. Tell yourself to shut up and chill. Forge ahead, and you’ll soon find yourself back on the peak. And while you’re on the peak, enjoy it, because it too, doesn’t last forever.


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