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Environment and Space
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Environment and Space Introduction -
THE POWER OF PERMISSIONThe Power of Permission
Activity - The Power of Permission1 Activity
Activity - Unleashing Autonomy1 Activity
FAIL, CHEAT, OR INNOVATEFail, Cheat, or Innovate
Activity - Fail, Cheat, or Innovate1 Activity
BATHTUBS AND BATTLEFIELDSBathtubs and Battlefields
Activity - Bathtubs and Great Ideas1 Activity
CONNECTING HOME TO OFFICEConnecting Home to Office
Activity - Connecting Home to Office1 Activity
THE POWER OF A WELL-MAINTAINED MINDThe Power of a Well-Maintained Mind
Activity - A Well-Maintained Mind1 Activity
CONCLUSIONEnvironment and Space Conclusion
Lesson 7 of 14
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Activity – Fail, Cheat, or Innovate
Consider how your organization prioritizes which elements are more likely to be locked down: time, resources, or scope. Next, consider a project you are currently working on or about to start and identify the balance of those constraints of time, resources, and scope. Thinking of what you’ve identified, choose one strategy to implement.
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Reflection is critical to learning. It taps into our Spiritual Intelligence, an inner awareness below the level of consciousness. It triggers emotions which act as cognitive markers to facilitate memory. The science shows these activities will increase both memory and understanding, so we recommend that you truly invest in them.