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Environment and Space
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Environment and Space Introduction -
THE POWER OF PERMISSIONThe Power of Permission
Activity - The Power of Permission1 Activity
Activity - Unleashing Autonomy1 Activity
FAIL, CHEAT, OR INNOVATEFail, Cheat, or Innovate
Activity - Fail, Cheat, or Innovate1 Activity
BATHTUBS AND BATTLEFIELDSBathtubs and Battlefields
Activity - Bathtubs and Great Ideas1 Activity
CONNECTING HOME TO OFFICEConnecting Home to Office
Activity - Connecting Home to Office1 Activity
THE POWER OF A WELL-MAINTAINED MINDThe Power of a Well-Maintained Mind
Activity - A Well-Maintained Mind1 Activity
CONCLUSIONEnvironment and Space Conclusion
Lesson 8 of 14
In Progress
Bathtubs and Battlefields
Your responsibilities as a leader can be simplified into two categories: staff and stuff. If staff and stuff is mishandled with your team, it can create a loss of engagement and productivity.
The staff and stuff available to us, tied to the access we’re given to use it, is paramount to overcoming entrenched problems and finding a pathway to success.
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