Tag: Living
Find perspective in this surprisingly effective lens for life
FIND PERSPECTIVE IN THIS SURPRISINGLY EFFECTIVE LENS FOR LIFE articles Imagine you’ve been given a garden. It’s your garden, and you’re responsible for its care.…
Stress: A means of propulsion in life
Lock-In: Why so may fail to progress in life
Microcosms make you stronger
MICROCOSMS MAKE YOU STRONGER articles As I’ve continued writing my book, Escape Velocity, I keep thinking upon this notion of microcosms. For more on what…
Peaks and valleys
There is beauty all around
THERE IS BEAUTY ALL AROUND articles Early this morning I was on the way to the gym, when I suddenly turned the corner and stopped…
Change your life by changing your thoughts
Rededication, overcoming entropy in your personal life
Michael Phelps – setting and achieving goals
Two lessons from Michael Phelps
Finding your own personal sweet spot
Principle based leadership
Of Royal Birth
Abundance Mentality – an undiminishable reserve
A Psalm of Life
A PSALM OF LIFE articles A Psalm of LifeHenry Wadsworth Longfellow Tell me not, in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is…
Life Sculptor
LIFE SCULPTOR articles In association with “It is what you make of it” and “The Builders,” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, here’s another beautiful poem supporting…