Category: Personal Success
A Psalm of Life
A PSALM OF LIFE articles A Psalm of LifeHenry Wadsworth Longfellow Tell me not, in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!For the soul is…
Life Sculptor
LIFE SCULPTOR articles In association with “It is what you make of it” and “The Builders,” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, here’s another beautiful poem supporting…
The Builders
It is what you make of it
IT IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT articles Once upon a time, there was a child whose father gave him a set of blocks and…
Be merciful to me, a fool
Do you measure yourself?
Do you measure yourself? All day today I’ve been wallowing in spreadsheets, crunching numbers, and measuring progress. The process of measurement is an incredibly powerful…
A brief history of me – why I think we’re not limited by our past
Gravity’s Lesson on influence (watch your environment)
Gravity’s lesson on influence (watch your environment) Yesterday’s experience at the car dealership caused me to reflect on a principle I’ve often taught and thought…
Emotional Supply Lines sustain us all
Someone who decided to make a difference 2
Someone who decided to make a difference 2 I just read another inspiring story over on CNN (you can find the full story here). Here’s…
Cycle Time – the power of frequency
Cycle Time – the power of frequency In software development, there’s a term called “cycle time,” or the amount of time between one event and…
The Blind Painter
Someone who decided to make a difference
Arthur C. Clarke, an example of packaging
Arthur C. Clarke, an example of packaging Today Arthur C. Clarke passed away. For those of you who may not recognize the name, he was…
The power of packaging
The power of packaging There’s an old saying “form follows function,” and I disagree with it. Basically it’s saying that the value of any given…
Being Persuasive
Being Persuasive Persuasiveness pervades almost every aspect of our life. Either you’re being persuaded or you’re trying to be persuasive yourself. Whether it’s in a…
The importance of opposition
The importance of opposition Today one of my favorite bloggers and business thinkers, Seth Godin, posted an interesting post in his Blog titled “The forces…