Tag: 16 Elements – Perspective
TEDx Talk: Reaching your personal escape velocity
Find perspective in this surprisingly effective lens for life
FIND PERSPECTIVE IN THIS SURPRISINGLY EFFECTIVE LENS FOR LIFE articles Imagine you’ve been given a garden. It’s your garden, and you’re responsible for its care.…
Ted Williams: Don’t judge a book by its cover
Stress: A means of propulsion in life
Waiting for Superman premieres this week
If you’ve never been homeless, read this
Who I am makes a difference
Peaks and valleys
There is beauty all around
THERE IS BEAUTY ALL AROUND articles Early this morning I was on the way to the gym, when I suddenly turned the corner and stopped…
The principle of scarcity
Change your life by changing your thoughts
Making the most of what you have
It’s all about attitude
How to reconcile hope with failure
Lessons from the Apple iPhone 2.0
Keep a – goin
keep a-goin’ articles Keep a-Goin’Frank L. Stanton If you strike a thorn or rose,Keep a-goin’!If it hails or if it snows,Keep a-goin’!‘Taint no use to…