Tag: Family
International Speech Competition: I’m hungry for bugs
Find perspective in this surprisingly effective lens for life
FIND PERSPECTIVE IN THIS SURPRISINGLY EFFECTIVE LENS FOR LIFE articles Imagine you’ve been given a garden. It’s your garden, and you’re responsible for its care.…
Stress: A means of propulsion in life
Lock-In: Why so may fail to progress in life
Control vs Influence
Microcosms make you stronger
MICROCOSMS MAKE YOU STRONGER articles As I’ve continued writing my book, Escape Velocity, I keep thinking upon this notion of microcosms. For more on what…
Peaks and valleys
There is beauty all around
THERE IS BEAUTY ALL AROUND articles Early this morning I was on the way to the gym, when I suddenly turned the corner and stopped…
Seashells and opportunities
The Pareto Principle – The easiest way to increase productivity
The principle of scarcity
Change your life by changing your thoughts
Sacrifice is hard
Rededication, overcoming entropy in your personal life
To teach or not to teach
Abundance Mentality – an undiminishable reserve
Our children cannot breathe
It is what you make of it
IT IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT articles Once upon a time, there was a child whose father gave him a set of blocks and…
Cycle Time – the power of frequency
Cycle Time – the power of frequency In software development, there’s a term called “cycle time,” or the amount of time between one event and…